CD 319-20
(Counsels on Diet and Foods 319-20)
For those who can use them, good vegetables, prepared in a healthful manner, are better than soft mushes or porridge. Fruits used with thoroughly cooked bread two or three days old will be more healthful than fresh bread. This, with slow and thorough mastication, will furnish all that the system requires.—Manuscript 3, 1897 (CD 319.1) MC VC
[Good bread in place of Rich Foods-312] (CD 319) MC VC
Hot Biscuits VC
500. Hot biscuits and flesh meats are entirely out of harmony with health reform principles.—Extracts from Unpublished Testimonies in Regard to Flesh Foods, 2, 1884 (CD 319.2) MC VC
501. Hot soda biscuits are often spread with butter, and eaten as a choice diet; but the enfeebled digestive organs cannot but feel the abuse placed upon them.—Letter 72, 1896 (CD 319.3) MC VC
502. We have been going back to Egypt rather than on to Canaan. Shall we not reverse the order of things? Shall we not have plain, wholesome food on our tables? Shall we not dispense with hot biscuits, which only cause dyspepsia?—Letter 3, 1884 (CD 319.4) MC VC
[A Cause of Dyspepsia—720] (CD 319) MC VC
Gems and Rolls VC
503. Hot biscuit raised with soda or baking powder should never appear upon our tables. Such compounds are unfit to enter the stomach. Hot raised bread of any kind is difficult of digestion. Graham gems, which are both wholesome and palatable, may be made from the unbolted flour, mixed with pure cold water and milk. But it is difficult to teach our people simplicity. When we recommend graham gems, our friends say, “Oh, yes, we know how to make them.” We are much disappointed when they appear raised with baking powder or with sour milk and soda. These give no evidence of reform. The unbolted flour, mixed with pure soft water and milk, makes the best gems we have ever tasted. If the water is hard, use more sweet milk, or add an egg to the batter. Gems should be thoroughly baked in a well-heated oven, with a steady fire. (CD 319.5) MC VC
To make rolls, use soft water and milk, or a little cream; make a stiff dough and knead it as for crackers. Bake on the grate of the oven. These are sweet and delicious. They require thorough mastication, which is a benefit to both the teeth and the stomach. They make good blood, and impart strength. With such bread, and the abundant fruits, vegetables, and grains with which our country abounds, no greater luxuries should be desired.—The Review and Herald, May 8, 1883 (CD 320.1) MC VC
Whole-Wheat Bread Better Than White VC
504. Fine-flour bread cannot impart to the system the nourishment that you will find in the unbolted-wheat bread. The common use of bolted-wheat bread cannot keep the system in a healthy condition. You both have inactive livers. The use of fine flour aggravates the difficulties under which you are laboring.—Testimonies for the Church 2:68, 1868 (CD 320.2) MC VC
505. For use in breadmaking, the superfine white flour is not the best. Its use is neither healthful nor economical. Fine-flour bread is lacking in nutritive elements to be found in bread made from the whole wheat. It is a frequent cause of constipation and other unhealthful conditions.—The Ministry of Healing, 300, 1905 (CD 320.3) MC VC
[Unbolted or Graham Flour the Best for the Body—171, 495, 499, 503]
[Grains to Be Used in Natural State—481]
[Graham Bread in Camp Meeting Diet—124]
[A Religious Duty to Know How to Make Good Bread from Unbolted Wheat Flour—392]
(CD 320)