1T 491
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 491)
I was shown that Dr. B was a cautious and strictly conscientious man, a man whom God loves. He has passed through many trials which have worked for his good, although while passing through them he could not at all times see how he was to be benefited by them. Dr. B is not a man who will become exalted while he believes the truth and follows in its path. He is not a man who will be arbitrary or overbearing. He is too fearful of putting on that dignity which his position would allow him to maintain. He will counsel with others and is easy to be entreated; his great danger will be a willingness to take on burdens which he ought not to bear. He sees and feels what ought to be done, and will be in danger of doing too much. He is extremely sensitive and sympathetic, and will feel to the very depth for all his patients; and if he is permitted, will carry so heavy a load of responsibility as to be crushed under its weight. (1T 491.1) MC VC
Men and women of influence should help Brother B by their prayers, their sympathy, their hearty cooperation, their cheering, hopeful words, and their counsel and advice—all of which will be appreciated by him. His position cannot be an enviable one. If he assumes so great responsibilities it will not be from choice or to obtain a livelihood, for he can procure this in a much easier way and avoid the care, anxiety, and perplexity which such a position would bring upon him. Duty alone will lead him; and when once convinced where the path of duty lies, he will follow it and stand at his post, let the consequences be what they may. He should have the sympathy and co-operation of those who have influence, those whom God would have stand by his side and sustain him in his laborious work. (1T 491.2) MC VC
Dr. B could, so far as this world is concerned, do better than in the position he now occupies. I was shown that this position would be most difficult. Many who have no experience would have no idea of the magnitude of the enterprise and would want things to go according to their ideas. Some would wonder why the poor could not come and be treated for nothing, and would be tempted to think that it was a money-making enterprise after all; and this one and that one would wish to have something to say, and would have just about so much fault to find, let matters go as they might; for I was shown that some would consider it a virtue to be jealous and stand out and oppose. They pride themselves on not receiving everything just as soon as it comes. Like Thomas, they boast of their unbelief. But did Jesus commend unbelieving Thomas? While granting him the evidence he had declared that he would have before believing, Jesus said unto him: “Thomas because thou hast seen Me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” John 20:29. (1T 491.3) MC VC