CH 589
(Counsels on Health 589)
The instruction I have for our physicians is that they must study the word of God with earnestness and diligence. God says, “Come out, ... and be ye separate, ... and touch not the unclean.” 2 Corinthians 6:17. Obey this word, at whatever cost to social position, worldly honor, or earthly wealth. Trust in the Lord. Walk in all humility of mind before Him. Holding by faith to His word, you may go forward. (CH 589.1) MC VC
Avoid Outward Display VC
No physician is to trust to outward display, his elegant furniture or stylish equipage, to give him favor and exalt the truth. Physicians who trust to these things are moved by a power from beneath. It is not the grandeur of the house, the elegance of the furniture, the outward display of any kind, that will gain for our sanitariums a true standard. Physicians who are bound up with God will do all in their power to crush out the inclination to vanity and display.... (CH 589.2) MC VC