OHC 180.3
(Our High Calling 180.3)
If you have the spirit of Christ, you will love as brethren; you will honor the humble disciple in his poor home, because God loves him as much as He loves you, and it may be more. He recognizes no caste. He places His own signet upon men, not by their rank, not by their wealth, not by intellectual greatness, but by their oneness with Christ. It is purity of heart, singleness of purpose, that constitutes the true value of human beings.... All who are living in daily communion with Christ, will place His estimate upon men. They will reverence the good and pure, although these are poor in this world’s goods.... Avarice, selfishness, and covetousness are idolatry, and are dishonoring to God.... Tenderness, compassion, and benevolence are enjoined upon Christians. (OHC 180.3) MC VC