TDG 280.5
(This Day With God 280.5)
There is hurry and excitement. Men feverishly invest their capital of money in bonds and stocks, become wealthy in a day, and yet are unsatisfied. They continue to invest with insane expectancy. The bank stock goes down, the millionaire in the morning is a beggar at night and the way they think best to end the matter is with pistol, rope, or the waters of the bay. Money is a blessing when those who use it consider that they are the Lord’s stewards, that they are handling the Lord’s capital, and must one day give account of their stewardship. It is the love of money which the Bible condemns as the root of all evil—such love that when a man loses money the precious life God has given him is made of no account because money is gone.—Letter 17, September 28, 1872, to J. E. White. (TDG 280.5) MC VC