WM 253
(Welfare Ministry 253)
Chapter 32—Cautions Sounded VC
Slum Work Not to Be Glamorized—Precautions must be taken in this last work that mortals shall undertake. There is danger of so working upon the imagery of the mind that persons who are wholly unfitted to engage in the sacred work of God will consider themselves appointed by Heaven to work for the outcast and fallen. If all the experiences, pleasant and unpleasant were depicted, there would not be so many drawn to this class of work. Many enter the work because they love that which is sensational and exciting. But unless they throw all their energies into this grand, soul-saving work, they reveal that they have not the true missionary spirit.—Manuscript 177, 1899. (WM 253.1) MC VC
Danger in Working for Outcasts—In every effort to keep the soul with all diligence, man needs the keeping power of God. There is danger, constant danger, of contamination in the work among the fallen and degraded. Why, then, do men and women place themselves in contact with this danger who are unprepared to resist temptation, and who have not sufficient strength of character for the work? (WM 253.2) MC VC
Upon the mind of many a young man engaged in the so-called medical missionary work an altogether different effect is produced than the doctor or any of his associates imagine. [Reference is here made to Dr. J. H. Kellogg, who was leading out in a rapidly expanding work for the depraved and outcast.—Compilers.] He is not careful to watch the designs of Satan toward him in his new and exposed career, and gradually he separates from the home life and healthful influences. Before every such youth the danger signal needs to be uplifted. In every place where men and women are working for the degraded someone must bear grave responsibilities, or the workers will become cheap in their attitude, their words, and their principles. (WM 253.3) MC VC