2SG 69-71
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 69-71)
Soon H., who had opposed me in Maine, came in great haste to Massachusetts with a document to destroy my influence. I have never had the privilege of reading it, or hearing it read, and have not been able to obtain a copy of it to this day. This document was read in my absence, when I could not answer for myself. As near as I can learn, H. got up the document, then urged a sister, who was occasionally with me during the two weeks of my extreme sickness, when my mind wandered, as stated on page 51, to sign it. She was then on a sick bed, suffering great confusion of mind, and to get rid of H., consented to have him sign her name to the document. At a later period this sister confessed to me in tears her regret that her name was ever attached to the document. She is not a Sabbath-keeper, yet has since cheerfully given her name to a certificate on another page which kills the slanderous document. May the Lord lead this sister to embrace the third message, and may we again enjoy sweet union as when at her altar of prayer, I had my first vision as stated on page 30. (2SG 69.1) MC VC
We learned from one who had heard the document read in Boston and Roxbury, that H. had gone to Carver to read it there. At first I felt distressed. I could not see why God should suffer me thus to be reproached. I had to suffer anguish of spirit for others, and now my character was attacked. For a short time I sunk in discouragement. But as I went before the Lord with this severe trial, he gave me grace to bear it. His strong arm supported me. I was not suffering as an evil-doer, but for Christ’s sake, and how many had suffered the same before me, even Jesus, the Saviour of the world, was reproached and falsely accused, and these words seemed ever before me, “Are ye able to drink of the cup?” Can “ye be baptized with the baptism?” I felt, as I was bowed before the Lord, that I could say, Let me know the fellowship of Christ’s sufferings. I knew what was reported as being in that document was false, and Jesus knew it, then why should I be troubled? I fully believed that Jesus was soon to come, and then my name, which was handled so maliciously here, would be justified. I there consecrated myself, my name and all, to God, and with reconciliation could say, Only let my poor name be written in the Lamb’s book of life, and men may handle it just as God suffers them. Let me suffer with Christ that I may reign with him. (2SG 70.1) MC VC
My sister had previously gone to Carver, expecting Bro. Nichols to bring me in a few days. She was present at the reading of that document. She suffered on my account. H. said in the morning that he had been in a horror of darkness all night. No wonder. He feared my sister would expose him in his past fanatical course; but she would not condescend to mention those groveling acts of fanaticism in that portion of his career that she was acquainted with. (2SG 71.1) MC VC
I bear no ill will to those who used me thus. In a little from this the slanderer and the liar will receive their reward. That which they have sown they shall also reap. I could look up and rejoice from the depths of my heart, that there was a living God, Judge over all, who is acquainted with every heart, and to him I committed my cause. (2SG 71.2) MC VC
In a few weeks I visited Carver, and found that a few had been influenced by H. But in many instances where the way had been previously closed up, it was now opened, and I had more friends than I had before. There was a young sister in the house where we tarried who was subject to fits, and she was afflicted with this most distressing disease while we were there. All seemed to be alarmed. Some said, “Go for the doctor;” others, “Put on the tea-kettle for hot water.” I felt the spirit of prayer. We prayed to the Lord to deliver the afflicted. In the name and strength of Jesus I put my arms around her, and lifted her up from the bed, and rebuked the power of Satan, and bid her, “Go free.” She was instantly brought out of the fit, and praised the Lord with us. We had a solemn, refreshing season in this place. We told them that we had not come to defend character, or to expose the wickedness of men who were laboring to destroy our influence, but to do our Master’s will, and God would take care of the result of the efforts made by designing men. Our hearts were strengthened and the church encouraged. (2SG 71.3) MC VC