LS 296-7
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 296-7)
First Visit to Scandinavia VC
During the two years spent by Mrs. White in Europe, she visited Denmark, Sweden, and Norway three times. At the close of the Missionary Council held in Basel during September, 1885, the delegates from Scandinavia pleaded that she should visit their field as soon as possible; and although her friends in Switzerland pointed out that summer was a better time to travel in northern Europe, she decided to venture out by faith, trusting in God for strength to endure the hardships of the journey. (LS 296.1) MC VC
October and the first half of November were spent in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Grythyttehed, Orebro, and Christiania. Mrs. White was accompanied by her secretary, Miss Sara McEnterfer, by her son, W. C. White, and by Elder J. G. Matteson, who was guide, interpreter, and fellow laborer. In the various places where believers assembled to hear, her message was received with reverential interest. The congregations were not large, excepting in Christiania, where the church membership numbered one hundred and twenty. On Sabbath day, October 31, when the brethren from other churches gathered in, there were about two hundred in attendance. On Sunday she spoke in the workingmen’s hall to an audience of eight hundred. The next Sunday, by request of the president of a strong temperance society, she spoke to about one thousand three hundred assembled in the soldiers’ military gymnasium, on the importance of home training in the principles of temperance. This subject was presented from a Biblical standpoint, and illustrated by the experiences of Bible characters. (LS 296.2) MC VC
Second Visit to Scandinavia VC
Mrs. White’s second visit to Scandinavia was made in the summer of 1886, in company with her son and Miss McEnterfer. During the first part of the journey, Miss Christine Dahl acted as guide and interpreter. (LS 297.1) MC VC
The most important of the meetings attended on this trip was at Orebro, Sweden. Here the Swedish Conference held its annual session, June 23 to 28, during which a tract society and a Sabbath school association were organized, each including the work in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. (LS 297.2) MC VC
A week before the opening of this Conference, Elder Matteson had begun a school for colporteurs and Bible workers. In the carrying on of this school he was joined by Elder A. B. Oyen, of Christiania, and Elder O. A. Olsen, just from America. Education was the watchword among the leaders in those days, and the people were eager to learn. The workers’ institute was opened each morning at 6:30 with a prayer and social meeting. At 9 o’clock there was a class in bookkeeping; at 11:30 instruction was given in home missionary work. Instruction on the holding of Bible readings was given at 4 o’clock in the afternoon; and at 8 P.M. there was a preaching service. Every hour of the day was counted as precious by both teachers and students. (LS 297.3) MC VC
At the conference session following, about sixty-five Sabbath keepers were in regular attendance. Of the ten churches in Sweden, nine were represented by twenty-three delegates. Mrs. White spoke six times in the early morning meetings, and five times on other occasions. Addressing the small but resolute band of believers, she said: (LS 297.4) MC VC