2SM 251
(Selected Messages Book 2 251)
Messages of Sympathy and Hope to a Faithful Assistant VC
[Miss Marian Davis, who joined Mrs. White’s staff in 1879 and was associated with her in the work in America, Europe, and Australia for twenty-five years, contracted tuberculosis in 1903, and a little over a year later closed her lifework. Miss Davis was a very faithful and trusted literary assistant, much beloved by Mrs. White. Presented here are messages of sympathy and hope and counsel penned during the last two months of Miss Davis’ illness, as drawn from Mrs. White’s correspondence with her.—Compilers.] (2SM 251) MC VC
Melrose, Massachusetts
August 17, 1904
(2SM 251)
Dear Sister Marian Davis (2SM 251) MC VC
I would be pleased to be at home, but just what meetings I shall consent to attend is uncertain; therefore we will do the very best we can.... (2SM 251.1) MC VC
I am asking the Lord to strengthen you. We are hopeful that you are better. Do keep fast hold of the Lord, your hand in the hand of Christ.... (2SM 251.2) MC VC
Marian, you must not become discouraged. Your case is in the hands of the Lord, and you must now submit your case in regard to treatment to let the physicians, Dr. A and Dr. B, do those things for you that must be done. We have other books to put in your hands when you shall overcome the illness now upon you. Be sure to eat, even if it causes some pain. The longer you refrain from eating, the weaker you will become.... We may inquire, How can the Lord have need of us? Is not our God full of might? Will you not lay hold on His strength? No living being can help you as the Lord Jesus can. Trust in Him. He will care for you.—Letter 378, 1904. (2SM 251.3) MC VC
Melrose, Massachusetts
August 24, 1904
(2SM 251)
Dear Sister Marian Davis (2SM 251) MC VC
Let not one anxious thought come into your mind. I am sorry you are so ill, but do everything you can on your part for the recovery of your health. I will see that all bills of expense shall be settled. I am not well; not able to travel but a little distance in the carriage. I dare not commit myself to the lengthy journeys on the cars. As long as I and you shall live, my home is your home.... (2SM 251.4) MC VC