9T 184
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 9 184)
Chapter 19—Unity in Christ Jesus VC
Loma Linda, California (9T 184) MC VC
August 24, 1905 (9T 184) MC VC
To Our Brethren Connected With the Publishing Work at College View— (9T 184) MC VC
While attending the council meeting of the General Conference Committee, held in September, 1904, my mind was deeply exercised regarding the unity that should attend our work. I was not able to attend all the meetings, but in the night season scene after scene passed before me, and I felt that I had a message to bear to our people in many places. (9T 184.1) MC VC
My heart is pained as I see that, with such wonderful incentives to bring our powers and capabilities to the very highest state of development, we are content to be dwarfs in the work of Christ. God’s desire is that all His workers shall grow to the full stature of men and women in Christ. Where there is vitality, there is growth; the growth testifies to the vitality. The words and works bear living testimony to the world of what Christianity does for the followers of Christ. (9T 184.2) MC VC
When you do your appointed work without contention or criticism of others, a freedom, a light, and a power will attend it that will give character and influence to the institutions and enterprises with which you are connected. (9T 184.3) MC VC
Remember that you are never on vantage ground when you are ruffled and when you carry the burden of setting right every soul who comes near you. If you yield to the temptation to criticize others, to point out their faults, to tear down what they are doing, you may be sure that you will fail to act your own part nobly and well. (9T 184.4) MC VC