LS 447-8
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 447-8)
Many were the visitors—old acquaintances and others—who came to greet Mrs. White during the last few months of her life. Sometimes she was unable to recognize old associates in labor; at other times she knew those who came. Whenever possible, she would converse with them. She never ceased to take delight in testifying of God’s goodness and tender mercy. For months prior to her illness, she frequently quoted the scripture, They overcame “by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony;(Revelation 12:11) and she felt strengthened every time she bore witness to the love of God and to His watchful care. (LS 447.1) MC VC
One Sabbath afternoon, when the family of her son, W. C. White, spent some time with her, she was specially blessed, and spoke many words of counsel to her grandchildren. “The Lord is very good to us,” she declared; “and if we follow on to know the Lord, we shall know that His going forth is prepared as the morning. If there is any question in your minds in regard to what is right, look to the Lord Jesus, and He will guide you. We should bring every plan to the Lord, to see if He approves it.... Remember that the Lord will carry us through. I am guarding every moment, so that nothing may come between me and the Lord. I hope there will not. God grant that we may all prove faithful. There will be a glorious meeting soon. I am glad that you have come to see me. May the Lord bless you. Amen.” (LS 447.2) MC VC
Not alone for her granddaughters and grandsons, but for all the youth throughout the denomination, her heart went out in loving solicitude. At times she talked with her nurses and with her office helpers concerning the need of making wise selections of matter for the youth to read. (LS 448.1) MC VC
“We should advise the young,” she urged, “to take hold of such reading matter as recommends itself for the upbuilding of Christian character. The most essential points of our faith should be stamped upon the memory of the young. They have had a glimpse of these truths, but not such an acquaintance as would lead them to look upon their study with favor. Our youth should read that which will have a healthful, sanctifying effect upon the mind. This they need in order to be able to discern what is true religion. There is much good reading that is not sanctifying.” (LS 448.2) MC VC
“Now is our time and opportunity to labor for the young people. Tell them that we are now in a perilous crisis, and we want to know how to discern true godliness. Our young people need to be helped, uplifted, and encouraged, but in the right manner, not, perhaps, as they would desire it, but in a way that will help them to have sanctified minds. They need good, sanctifying religion more than anything else.” (LS 448.3) MC VC
“I do not expect to live long. My work is nearly done. Tell our young people that I want my words to encourage them in that manner of life that will be most attractive to the heavenly intelligences.” (LS 448.4) MC VC