2SG 293-4
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 293-4)
It has been a matter of great perplexity to me to know what course to pursue with messages given me for individuals. I have often written messages of reproof for different ones, and given them to these persons, and they have laid them away, and have said nothing about them. Their course has shown in many instances that they were not affected by the messages, and they have continued to have a bad influence in the church, who were ignorant of the reproof given. (2SG 293.1) MC VC
My course is now clear to wrong the church no longer. If reproofs are given I dare not commit them alone to the individuals to be buried up by them, but shall read what the Lord has seen fit to give me, to those of experience in the church, and if the case demands, bring it before the whole church. The great delicacy which some have manifested lest others should learn that they have been reproved, proceeds from a lack of humility, and unwillingness to acknowledge their wrongs. The minds of many have been abused by individuals that have been reproved by vision, and their minds prejudiced, because they had no knowledge of what the Lord had revealed. I shall keep these things secret no longer. God’s people must know what the Lord has been pleased to reveal, that they be not deceived and led astray by a wrong spirit. (2SG 293.2) MC VC
Testimonies VC
In bearing the testimony which the Lord has given me for the last fifteen years, I have been opposed by many who became my bitter enemies, especially those whose errors and sins have been revealed to me, and have been exposed by me. Some of these have carried out their feelings of revenge, as might be expected, in attacking the humble instrument, and circulating unfavorable reports against me. (2SG 294.1) MC VC
As these things have troubled some who have had no knowledge of my early experience, my brethren and sisters who have known my experience and labors for the last ten or fifteen years have put into my hands their testimonies for me to use when necessary. These have been a benefit to me the past two years, and probably will be in the future. One instance I will mention. (2SG 294.2) MC VC