2SG 112
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 112)
“Bro. and sister White made us their first visit in March, 1849. At that time my wife’s health was quite feeble, also our youngest child was much afflicted. Bro. and sister White were moved to pray for him. Their faith prevailed, and he was made whole. From that time to the present, which is about nine years, he has been a rugged, healthy boy. I would here remark that my wife had been afflicted with a severe illness for two succeeding winters. At times she was so weak she could not raise her head from the pillow. Bro. and sister White united in earnest prayer for her. Sister White had a vision, and saw that an angel from God had hovered over my wife, and had strengthened her, or life would have departed from her. She saw if God’s servants had united in prayer with strong and living faith for her the power of the enemy would have been broken before, and that then his power was broken. From this time until her death, which was one year, she enjoyed perfect health. The season then enjoyed, in Bro. and Sr. White’s society will ever be remembered by me with feelings of joy and gratitude.” (2SG 112.1) MC VC