3T 10
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 10)
I saw that it is not our duty to perplex ourselves with individual trials. Such mental labor endured for others’ wrongs should be avoided. My husband can continue to labor with all his energies, as he has done, and as the result go down into the grave, and his labors be lost to the cause of God; or he can now be released, while he has some strength left, and last longer, and his labors be more efficient. (3T 10.1) MC VC
I will now copy from a testimony given in 1859: “In my last vision I was shown that the Lord would have my husband give himself more to the study of the Scriptures, that he may be qualified to labor more effectually in word and doctrine, both in speaking and in writing. I saw that in the past we had exhausted our energies through much anxiety and care to bring the church into a right position. Such wearing labor in various places, bearing the burdens of the church, is not required; for the church should bear their own burdens. Our work is to instruct them in God’s word, to urge upon them the necessity of experimental religion, and to define as clearly as possible the correct position in regard to the truth. God would have us raise our voices in the great congregation upon points of present truth which are of vital importance. These should be presented with clearness and with decision, and should also be written out, that the silent messengers may bring them before the people everywhere. A more thorough consecration to the essential work is required on our part; we must be earnest to live in the light of God’s countenance. If our minds were less occupied with the trials of the church they would be more free to be exercised upon Bible subjects; and a closer application to Bible truth would accustom the mind to run in that channel, and we would thus be better qualified for the important work devolving upon us.” (3T 10.2) MC VC