LS 171-2, 175
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 171-2, 175)
This was the first intimation my husband had of my intentions. He said not a word. That evening we packed our trunks, and the next morning were on our way. My husband rode comfortably. (LS 171.1) MC VC
During the three weeks that we were in Rochester, much of the time was spent in prayer. My husband proposed sending to Maine for Elder J. N. Andrews, to Olcott for Brother and Sister Lindsay, and to Roosevelt, requesting those who had faith in God, and felt it their duty, to come and pray for him. These friends came in answer to his call, and for ten days we had special and earnest seasons of prayer. All who engaged in these seasons of prayer were greatly blessed. We were often so refreshed with heavenly showers of grace that we could say, “My cup runneth over.” We could weep and praise God for His rich salvation. (LS 171.2) MC VC
Those who came from Roosevelt were soon obliged to return to their homes. Brother Andrews and Brother and Sister Lindsay remained. We continued our earnest supplications to heaven. It seemed to be a struggle with the powers of darkness. Sometimes the trembling faith of my husband would grasp the promises of God, and sweet and precious was the victory then enjoyed. (LS 171.3) MC VC
Christmas evening, as we were humbling ourselves before God and earnestly pleading for deliverance, The light of heaven seemed to shine upon us, and I was wrapped in a vision of God’s glory. It seemed that I was borne quickly from earth to heaven, where all was health, beauty, and glory. Strains of music fell upon my ear, melodious, perfect, and entrancing. I was permitted to enjoy this scene a while before my attention was called to this dark world. Then my attention was called to things taking place upon this earth. [A portion of the instruction given during this memorable vision, urging the establishment of a health institution by the Seventh-day Adventist denomination, is given in “Testimonies for the Church” 1:485-495, 553-564.] I had an encouraging view of the case of my husband. (LS 171.4) MC VC
Circumstances did not seem to favor our starting for Battle Creek, but my mind seemed fixed that we must go. (LS 172.1) MC VC
We were prospered on our journey. On the arrival of the train at Battle Creek, we were met by several of our faithful brethren, who received us gladly. My husband rested well through the night. The next Sabbath, although feeble, he walked to the meetinghouse, and spoke for about three quarters of an hour. We also attended the communion season in the evening. The Lord strengthened him as he walked out by faith. (LS 172.2) MC VC
The long sickness of my husband was a heavy blow, not only to myself and my children, but to the cause of God. The churches were deprived both of my husband’s labors and of my own. Satan triumphed as he saw the work of truth thus hindered; but, thank God! he was not permitted to destroy us. After being cut off from all active labor for fifteen months, we ventured out once more together to work among the churches. (LS 172.3) MC VC
Visit to Battle Creek—March, 1867 VC
It was decided that we should return to Battle Creek, and there remain while the roads were in a muddy, broken-up condition, and that I should there complete Testimony No. 12. My husband was very anxious to see his brethren at Battle Creek, and speak to them, and rejoice with them in the work which God was doing for him. (LS 175.1) MC VC
In a few days we found ourselves again at Battle Creek, after an absence of about three months. On the Sabbath, March 16, my husband spoke with clearness and power, and I also bore my testimony with usual freedom. (LS 175.2) MC VC
I came home to Battle Creek like a weary child, who needed comforting words and encouragement. But on our return we met reports having no foundation in truth. We were humbled into the very dust, and distressed beyond expression. (LS 175.3) MC VC
In this state of things we started to fill an appointment at Monterey. On the journey I tried to explain to myself why it was that our brethren did not understand in regard to our work. I had felt quite sure that when we should meet them, they would know what spirit we were of, and that the Spirit of God in them would answer to the same in us, His humble servants, and there would be union of feeling and sentiment. Instead of this, we were distrusted and suspiciously watched, which was a cause of the greatest perplexity I ever experienced. (LS 175.4) MC VC
Laying Hold on God VC
As I was thus thinking, a portion of the vision given me at Rochester, N. Y., December 25, 1865, came like a flash of lightning to my mind, and I immediately related it to my husband: (LS 175.5) MC VC