3T 123
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 3 123)
At the camp meeting at -----, 1870, I appealed to those who had means to use that means in the cause of God as His faithful stewards, and not leave this work for their children. It is a work which God has left them to do, and when the Master calls them to account, they can, as faithful stewards, render to Him that which He has lent them, both principal and interest. (3T 123.1) MC VC
Brethren X, Y, Z were presented before me. These men were making a mistake in regard to the appropriation of their means. Some of their children were influencing them in this work, and were gathering upon their souls responsibilities that they were ill-prepared to bear. They were opening a door and inviting the enemy to come in with his temptations to harass and destroy them. The two younger sons of Brother X were in great danger. They were associating with individuals of a stamp of character which would not elevate, but would debase them. The subtle influence of these associations was gaining an imperceptible influence over these young men. The conversation and deportment of evil companions were of that character to separate them from the influence of their sisters and their sisters’ husbands. While speaking upon this subject at the camp meeting I felt deeply. I knew the persons were before me whom I had seen in vision. I urged upon those who heard me the necessity of thorough consecration to God. I called no names, for I was not permitted to do this. I was to dwell upon principles, appeal to the hearts and consciences, and give those who professed to love God and keep His commandments an opportunity to develop character. God would send them warnings and admonitions, and if they really desired to do His will they had an opportunity. Light was given, and then we were to wait and see if they would come to the light. (3T 123.2) MC VC