2SG 46-7
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 46-7)
About this time I was shown that I must visit New Hampshire. My sister’s husband’s sister accompanied me. She was faithful to me, kind and attentive, ever ready with the care of a sister to sympathize with me in all my trials, and to cheer me in my despondency and gloom. Bro. Files and his wife and Bro. White accompanied us. A distracted state of things existed in New Hampshire, yet the Lord often manifested his power there. (2SG 46.1) MC VC
It was in New Hampshire that we had our first experience in relation to what is termed spiritual magnetism. We visited Claremont, and inquired for Adventists. We were told there were two parties; one holding fast their past advent experience, the other denying it. We asked for those who had not denied their past experience, and were directed to Elders B-----t and B-----s, as persons believing as we did. There was so much said against them, that we concluded that they were persecuted for righteousness’ sake. We called on them, and were received and treated kindly, yet such depression came upon me, that I felt that all was not right. (2SG 46.2) MC VC
Elder B-----t appeared to be a very holy man. Had much to say upon charity. Speaking of faith he said, “All we have to do is believe, then whatever we ask of God will be given.” Bro. White answered, “Blessings are promised on conditions. John 15:7: If ye abide in me and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be given unto you. Your theory of faith is empty as a flour barrel with both heads out. And as regards true charity, she is a very delicate personage, never stepping out of the path of Bible truth.” (2SG 46.3) MC VC
In the afternoon we called at Bro. Collier’s, where we purposed to hold a meeting in the evening. We supposed they were in union with Elder B-----t, and asked some questions in reference to him, but could get no information. Said Bro. C., “If the Lord has sent you here, you will find them out and tell us.” (2SG 47.1) MC VC
That evening, as I was praying and reaching up by faith to receive the blessing of the Lord, B-----t and B-----s, began to groan and cry out, Amen! Amen! throwing their sympathy and influence in with my prayer. Bro. White was much distressed, and rising, cried, “I resist this spirit in the name of the Lord.” After this, while I was enjoying freedom in speaking, they again commenced groaning and crying out, Amen! Amen! I felt no union with them, for their amens chilled me. Bro. White feeling their influence upon him again, rose, and in the name of the Lord rebuked the wicked spirit. They were then so bound as to be unable to rise again that night. After the meeting Bro. White said, “Bro. Collier, now I can tell you about those two men; they are acting under a satanic influence, yet attributing all to the Spirit of the Lord.” Bro. C. answered, “I believe the Lord sent you. We have called their influence mesmerism; and because we could have no union with their spirit, do not generally have meetings here. They rise above us, manifest much feeling, but leave an influence darker than Egypt. I never saw them checked, or tied up, before tonight.” (2SG 47.2) MC VC