2SG 91
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 91)
Chapter 14—Visit to Connecticut VC
We received a letter from Bro. Chamberlain of Connecticut, urging us to attend a conference in that State. We decided to go if we could obtain means. Husband settled with his employer, and found there was ten dollars due him. With five of this I purchased articles of clothing which we much needed, and then patched my husband’s overcoat, even piecing the patches, making it difficult to tell in the sleeves the original cloth. We had five dollars left to take us to Dorchester. Our trunk contained nearly everything we possessed on earth. We enjoyed peace of mind and a clear conscience, and this we prized above earthly comforts. We called at Bro. Nichols, and as we left, sister N. handed my husband five dollars, which paid our fare to Middletown, Ct. We were strangers in that city, and had never seen one of the brethren in the State, and had but fifty cents left. My husband did not dare to use that to hire a carriage, so he threw the trunk upon a pile of boards, and we walked on in search of some one of like faith. We soon found Bro. C. who took us to his house. (2SG 91.1) MC VC
In company with Bro. C. we went to Rocky Hill to meet with the brethren there. We were informed of the sickness of Bro. T. Ralph, and called to see him. Consumption had marked him for the grave, and he knew that he could not live. He was strong in God, and his whole interest was in the truth. We left our dear afflicted brother, promising on our return to call again. (2SG 91.2) MC VC