2SG 94-5
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 94-5)
“It is rainy today so that I do not mow, or I should not write. I mow five days for unbelievers, and Sunday for believers, and rest on the seventh day, therefore I have but very little time to write. God gives me strength to labor hard all day. Praise the Lord! I hope to get a few dollars to use in his cause.” (2SG 94.1) MC VC
Again he wrote to Bro. H. July 23d: “We have suffered with labor, fatigue, pain, hunger, cold, and heat, while endeavoring to do our brethren and sisters good; and we hold ourselves ready to suffer more if God requires. I rejoice today that ease, pleasure and comfort in this life, are a sacrifice on the altar of my faith and hope, amen. (2SG 94.2) MC VC
“If our happiness consists in making others happy, we are happy indeed. The true disciple will not live to gratify beloved self; but to Christ, and for the good of his little ones. (2SG 95.1) MC VC
“The brethren here are being tried by the gospel straightener. Some here who had to work hard to get a living have been complaining of their lot, and when asked to help in the cause of Christ, have thought very strange. O why should we murmur when we feel the curse, we who have a hope of being freed from it. The promise is, if we suffer with Christ we shall also reign with him. The sufferings of the human race while under the curse, will not raise them to fellow-heirship with Jesus on his throne. This is the lot of mortals in this world. The heir of God, then, is required to suffer still more. Yes, his whole body is to be a living sacrifice unto God. He is to sacrifice his ease, his pleasure, his comfort, his convenience, his will, and his own selfish wishes, for Christ’s cause, or never reign with him on his throne.” (2SG 95.2) MC VC