2SG 101-2
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 101-2)
We took the packet on our way to Madison County, which left us within twenty-five miles of Bro. Abbey’s, where we hired a carriage to complete the journey. When we arrived at the house, it was proposed that one go to the door and make inquiries, that if we should be disappointed we could return with the driver, and would keep the Sabbath at a public house. Sr. Abbey came to the door, and my husband introduced himself as one who kept the Sabbath. Said she, “I am glad to see you. Come in.” He replied. “There are three more in the carriage with me. I thought if we all came in together, we might frighten you. “I am never frightened at Christians,” was the reply. Heartily were we welcomed by sister A. She expressed much joy at seeing us, and when Bro. Bates was introduced she said, “Can this be Bro. Bates, who wrote that hewing book on the Sabbath? And come to see us? I am unworthy to have you come under my roof. But the Lord has sent you to us, for we are all starving for truth.” (2SG 101.1) MC VC
A child was sent to the field to inform Bro. Abbey that four Sabbath-keepers had come. He was in no hurry to make our acquaintance; for he had been imposed upon. Some professing to be God’s servants had often visited them, whose work was to scatter error among the little few who were trying to hold fast the truth. Bro. and Sr. A. had warred against them so long that they dreaded to come in contact with them. Bro. A concluded we were of the same class. When he came into the house he received us coldly, and then commenced asking a few plain, direct questions, whether we kept the Sabbath, and believed the past messages to be of God. When he had become satisfied that we had come with truth, he joyfully welcomed us. This dear family were just coming out from the furnace of affliction. They had been visited with that dreadful scourge, small-pox, and were just recovering. (2SG 102.1) MC VC
While we were there, we had an exhibition of some of the trials they had passed through, from those visiting them who made great pretensions, but were Satan’s agents to worry and devour. A spiritualizer came in, and talked in such a fanatical and blasphemous manner, that it was painful to hear him. He at last declared himself to be Jesus Christ; that there would be no literal, personal appearing of Jesus, &c. My spirit was stirred within me. I could hold my peace no longer. I told him that my Saviour did not bear such a disgusting appearance as he manifested. Then I described the lovely person of Jesus, his glorious appearance in the clouds of heaven, as he comes to earth the second time; with what majesty and power he rides forth upon the cloudy chariot, escorted by all the angelic host, and with the glory of the Father. He grew angry, and raised his umbrella as if to strike me. He was vehement. In great rage he left the house, showering denunciations upon us as he went. But a sweet spirit rested upon us. (2SG 102.2) MC VC