2SG 147-9
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 147-9)
My husband was borne down with care, and suffering from severe colds which had settled on his lungs. He sunk beneath his trials. He was so weak he could not get to the printing office without staggering. Our faith was tried to the uttermost. We had willingly endured privation, toil and suffering, yet but few seemed to appreciate our efforts, when it was even for their good we had suffered. We were too much troubled to sleep or rest. The hours in which we should have been refreshed with sleep, were often spent in answering long communications occasioned by the leaven of envy which commenced to work in Vermont; and many hours while others were sleeping we spent in agonizing tears, and mourning before the Lord. At length my husband said, “Ellen, it is no use, these things are crushing me, and will carry me to the grave. I cannot go any farther. I have written a note for the paper stating that I shall publish no more.” As he stepped out of the door to carry it to the printing office, I fainted. He came back and prayed for me, and his prayer was answered, and I was relieved. (2SG 147.1) MC VC
The next morning, while at family prayer, I was taken off in vision and was shown concerning the matter. I saw that my husband must not give up the paper, for such a step was just what Satan was trying to drive him to take, and he was working through agents to do this; but he must continue to publish, and the Lord would sustain him, and those who had been guilty in casting on him such undeserved burdens and censure, would have to bear the burden, and yet see the extent of their cruel course, and come back confessing their injustice, or the frown of God would rest upon them; that it was not against us merely they had spoken and acted, but against Him who had called us to fill the place he wished us to occupy. And all their suspicions, and jealousy, and secret influence which had been at work, was faithfully chronicled in heaven, and would not be blotted out until every one who had taken a part in it should see the extent of their wrong course, and retrace every step. The exposure of that journey to Vermont my husband felt for years, and was not overcome until a few years since, when the Lord mercifully healed him in answer to prayer. (2SG 148.1) MC VC
The brother referred to in Massachusetts, was convinced that he was wrong, and wrote an humble acknowledgement which melted us to tears. But he was not satisfied to confess with pen and ink, but came all the way to Paris, Me., to see us, and the breach was healed, and our hearts were more firmly united than ever. He had been influenced by one in whom he had the utmost confidence. (2SG 149.1) MC VC
We soon received urgent invitations to attend conferences in different States, and decided to go. Here is an extract of a letter to Bro. Howland’s family concerning the journey: (2SG 149.2) MC VC
“I will give you a brief account of ourselves from the time we left you at Topsham. When we arrived at Boston, my husband put me in a hack on account of the baggage, while he walked to save his fare. We arrived at meeting time, and found brethren and sisters collected. We had a good meeting. The next morning we took the cars for Connecticut, and arrived at Bro. B.’s about three o’clock P. M. Our meeting commenced Sabbath. Brethren and sisters from different towns were present, and we had a profitable meeting, and trust our efforts will be blessed to the church. The next Monday took the cars for Oswego, arrived there the next day about noon, visited Bro. and Sr. Arnold in Volney, and the next day in company with brethren and sisters, went on our way to Camden. There were about eighty present, six from Michigan. (2SG 149.3) MC VC