1T 320
(Testimonies for the Church Volume 1 320)
He has had the care and responsibility of the business in the office, the care of the paper, and much care of the churches in different states. And yet some of his ministering brethren have helped to perplex and distress by their unwise course. You with some others have looked upon Brother White as a business character, not enjoying much religion. Such do not know him. Satan deceives many in regard to him. God has seen fit to lay the burden of His work upon him, to choose him to lead out in different enterprises, and He has selected one who is sensitive, and can sympathize with the unfortunate; who is conscientious, and yet independent; who will not cover sin, but will be quick to see and feel wrong, and to reprove it and give no place to it, even if he has to stand alone in consequence. This is why he suffers so keenly. His brethren generally know nothing of his burdens, and some care nothing about them, but by their own unwise, crooked course add to his cares and perplexities. Heaven marks these things. Men who have no weight or burdens upon them, who can have hours of ease, with nothing in particular to do, who can reflect, and study, and improve their minds, can manifest great moderation. They see nothing to urge them to manifest any special zeal, and are ready to spend hours in private conversation. Some look upon such as being the best and holiest men on earth. But God sees not as man sees. God looks at the heart. Those who have such an easy position will be rewarded according to their works. (1T 320.1) MC VC
The position occupied by my husband is not an enviable one. It requires the closest attention, care, and mental labor. It requires the exercise of sound judgment and wisdom. It requires self-denial, a whole heart, and a firm will to push matters through. In that important position God will have a man to venture, to risk something; to move out firmly for the right, whatever may be the consequences; to battle against obstacles, and waver not, even though life be at stake. (1T 320.2) MC VC