2SG 280-2
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 280-2)
I saw the great lack of nursing fathers and mothers in Israel. And I saw why there are not more is because they will not take the burden, and fill the place which God would be pleased to have them occupy. Self must be denied in order to fill this place. Earnest prayer, and faithful watch-care for others will take the place of ease and indifference. And often worldly interests will suffer a little. They may have to visit some brother or sister, or some inquiring friend who needs help, just when they wish to accomplish some worldly object. But if they lose a little of the earthly treasure here, and do their Master’s will, they will lay up treasure in heaven. Their Master for their sake became poor, that they through his poverty might be made rich. (2SG 280.1) MC VC
I was shown that God would reward those who will bear responsibilities, and with energy push his work forward and stand in the forefront of the battle. God will choose those who will venture something in his work. But there are those who will not fill the place that God would be pleased to have them fill. (2SG 280.2) MC VC
I saw that God had made my husband a burden-bearer since 1844, that he might obtain an experience to fill the place in the work he designed for him to occupy. In order to do this he has had to take responsibilities and to risk something on the success of this message. God would be pleased if others would feel the same interest, and move with the same energy, but many will not venture. I saw that God was displeased with those who do not take the burden themselves, and then stand ready to murmur at the one upon whom he lays the heavy burden. If others would come up and bear the burden he has borne for years, and venture all; life, health, strength, time, everything, to push this work ahead, trusting alone to the success of the message, then God would release him from such heavy responsibilities. (2SG 280.3) MC VC
I saw that the blessing of the Lord has rested upon every essential move that has been made to advance his cause, and steadily has the work progressed. One difficulty after another has been surmounted. It is because God’s hand was in the work. I saw that some do not realize that selfishness is at the bottom of their murmuring. God’s humble instrument moves too fast for their faith, and his venturing out as he has done has reproved their slow and unbelieving pace. And there has been satisfaction taken in watching and finding fault. Hints have been thrown out, doubts expressed, which have had their influence. Their faith was not strong enough to keep pace with him. Had they possessed that strong faith and self-denial which they should have had, those who have the ability and means might do much in stirring up the people of God; and if they would venture out and risk something on the result and success of this message, it would inspire faith in the hearts of the remnant, and there would be activity and zeal in pushing forward this great work. (2SG 281.1) MC VC
I was shown that the work was not left in the hands of any one upon earth. Angels of God have charge of the work, and they counsel and direct God’s people through chosen agents, and thus the work moves forward. I was shown that God in his own wise providence raised my husband above dependence and want, that his testimony and influence might not be crippled by the galling sense of dependence. God will use him as his instrument to speak with freedom, independent of man, and in his strength raise his voice, and with his example call upon the people to arouse, and assist with their substance in moving forward this great work. And any that wish to be convinced, can be, that it is not selfishness, nor to obtain any advantage himself that he pursues this course. But his object is to advance the work of God, which is dearer to him than life. (2SG 282.1) MC VC
I saw that it was easier for those who look on to complain, and find fault, than to suggest and lead in a better course. It is very easy and cheap to suggest doubts and fears, but it is not so readily undertaken to tell what shall be done. (2SG 282.2) MC VC