3SM 90.0
(Selected Messages Book 3 90.0)
Determined to Develop Her Literary Skills—We rested well last night. This Sabbath morning opens cloudy. My mind is coming to strange conclusions. I am thinking I must lay aside my writing I have taken so much pleasure in, and see if I cannot become a scholar. I am not a grammarian. I will try, if the Lord will help me, at forty-five years old to become a scholar in the science. God will help me. I believe he will.—Manuscript 3, 1873(Diary January 11, 1873.). (3SM 90.1) MC VC
Sense of Inadequacy in 1894—Now I must leave this subject so imperfectly presented that I fear you will misinterpret that which I feel so anxious to make plain. Oh, that God would quicken the understanding, for I am but a poor writer, and cannot with pen or voice express the great and deep mysteries of God. Oh, pray for yourselves, pray for me.—Letter 67, 1894. (3SM 90.2) MC VC
Refuting Reports of Changes in the Writings—My copyists you have seen. They do not change my language. It stands as I write it.... (3SM 90.3) MC VC
My work has been in the field since 1845. Ever since then I have labored with pen and voice. Increased light has come to me as I have imparted the light given me. I have very much more light on the Old and New Testament Scriptures, which I shall present to our people.—Letter 61a, 1900. (3SM 90.4) MC VC
Final Reading of All Writings Published and Unpublished—I am still as active as ever. I am not in the least decrepit. I am able to do much work, writing and speaking as I did years ago. (3SM 90.5) MC VC
I read over all that is copied, to see that everything is as it should be. I read all the book manuscript before it is sent to the printer. So you can see that my time must be fully occupied. Besides writing, I am called upon to speak to the different churches and to attend important meetings. I could not do this work unless the Lord helped me.—Letter 133, 1902. (3SM 90.6) MC VC