VSS 399.1
(The Voice in Speech and Song 399.1)
Persons proposed going to the Methodist house which was open for their reception and more convenient and better ventilated. They stated that quite a number were already there. One cried out, “Divide the preachers.” Your father made answer [that] he would not venture to try the experiment, fearing he would not get his share of hearers. Finally a general move was made to the meetinghouse which was crowded and extra seats prepared. I had a very respectful, attentive congregation. I spoke one hour and a half, with freedom. The meeting closed well. We have another appointment out tonight. May the Lord go with us and aid us in our labor, is our prayer. [Letter to Ellen White’s son, W. C. White]—Lt 17, 1870. (VSS 399.1) MC VC