LS 136
(Life Sketches of Ellen G. White 136)
Chapter 20—Publishing Again VC
From Oswego we went to Centerport, in company with Brother and Sister Edson, and made our home at Brother Harris’s, where we published a monthly magazine called the Advent Review. [The Advent Review, printed in Auburn, N. Y., during the summer of 1850, should not be confused with the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, the first number of which was issued in Paris, Maine, November, 1850. The Advent Review was issued between nos. 10 and 11 of Present Truth. Concerning its purpose, Elder James White wrote in his first page introduction to the 48-page pamphlet edition of the Advent Review: (LS 136.1) MC VC
“Our design in this review is to cheer and refresh the true believer, by showing the fulfillment of prophecy in the past wonderful work of God, in calling out, and separating from the world and nominal church, a people who are looking for the second advent of our dear Saviour.”] (LS 136.2) MC VC
Satan’s Efforts to Hinder VC
My child grew worse, and three times a day we had seasons of prayer for him. Sometimes he would be blessed, and the progress of disease would be stayed; then our faith would be severely tried as his symptoms became alarming. (LS 136.3) MC VC
I was greatly depressed in spirit. Such queries as this troubled me: Why was God not willing to hear our prayers and raise the child to health? Satan, ever ready with his temptations, suggested that it was because we were not right. I could think of no particular thing wherein I had grieved the Lord, yet a crushing weight seemed to be on my spirits, driving me to despair. I doubted my acceptance with God, and could not pray. I had not courage so much as to lift my eyes to heaven. I suffered intense anguish of mind until my husband besought the Lord in my behalf. He would not yield until my voice was united with his for deliverance. The blessing came, and I began to hope. My trembling faith grasped the promises of God. (LS 136.4) MC VC