2SG 165-6
(Spiritual Gifts, Volume 2 165-6)
“Does earth attract thee here?” they cried,
The dying Christian thus replied:
While pointing upward to the sky,
“My treasure is laid up on high.”
(2SG 165.1)
He sleeps in Jesus—soon to rise,
When the last trump shall rend the skies;
Then burst the fetters of the tomb,
To wake in full, immortal bloom.
(2SG 165.2)
He sleeps in Jesus—cease thy grief;
Let this afford thee sweet relief—
That, freed from death’s triumphant reign,
In heaven will he live again.
(2SG 165.3)
We toiled on in Rochester through much perplexity and discouragement. The cholera visited R., and while it raged, all night the carriages bearing the dead were heard rumbling through the streets to Mount Hope cemetery. This disease did not cut down merely the low, but it took from every class in society. The most skillful physicians were laid low, and borne to Mount Hope. As we passed through the streets in Rochester, at almost every corner we would meet wagons with plain pine coffins in which to put the dead. (2SG 165.4) MC VC
Our little Edson was attacked, and we carried him to the great Physician. The disease was stayed in its progress. I took him in my arms, and in the name of Jesus rebuked the disease. He felt relief at once, and as a sister commenced praying for the Lord to heal him, the little fellow of three years looked up in astonishment and said, “They need not pray any more, for the Lord has healed me.” He was very weak. The disease made no further progress, but he gained no strength. Our faith was still to be tried. For three days he ate nothing. (2SG 165.5) MC VC
Chapter 24—Eastern Tour VC
We had appointments out for two months, reaching from Rochester, N. Y., to Bangor, Me., and this journey we were to perform with Charley and covered carriage. (2SG 166.1) MC VC
We dared not leave the child in so critical a state, and decided to go unless there was a decided change for the worse. In two days we must commence our journey in order to reach the first appointment. We presented the case before the Lord, taking it as an evidence that if the child had appetite to eat we would venture. The first day there was no change for the better. He could not bear the least food The next day about noon he called for chicken broth, and it nourished him. We commenced our journey that night. About four o’clock I took my sick child upon a pillow, and we rode twenty miles. He seemed very nervous that night. He could not sleep, and I held him in my arms nearly the whole night. My husband would frequently awake, and as he heard the sound of my rocking-chair, would groan, for he thought of the tedious journey before us. We obtained no sleep through the night. (2SG 166.2) MC VC