TSB 74
(Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce 74)
Chapter 8—Failure of Walter’s Second Marriage VC
[Concerning Walter C’s second marriage, W. C. White states: “Fear took hold of him that his new wife would want some of his money with which to help her relatives, so he labored for some years to separate her as much as possible from her relatives. Bringing her to California he made no move toward providing a home, but was pleased to have her take the nurses’ course at the St. Helena Sanitarium. When she had advanced sufficiently in this course so as to earn something, he permitted her to work her own way with very limited assistance financially from him....” “For years he has placed money in Mother’s hands to be used as she thought best for the advancement of the cause. Sometimes she has felt that a portion of this money ought to be given to Mrs. C, but when C learned that a part of the money which he placed in mother’s hands had been given by Mother to his wife, he gave notice that this was contrary to his wish, and that if any more was used that way he should not feel free to place his gifts in Mother’s hands.”—White Estate Document File 1002-A.] (TSB 74.1) MC VC
To the Second Mrs. C April 16, 1907.— Dear Sister C: I have received your letter, and in reply to it I would say, I cannot advise you to return to Walter C unless you see decided changes in him. The Lord is not pleased with the ideas he has had in the past of what is due to a wife. At one time I spoke very plainly to Walter in regard to his responsibilities to his wife. It is very clear to me that it would be a mistake for you to be united again while your love for him is quenched. He cannot make you happy unless his views are changed. (TSB 74.2) MC VC