WM 158
(Welfare Ministry 158)
In ancient times the Lord worked in a wonderful way through consecrated women who united in His work with men whom He had chosen to stand as His representatives. He used women to gain great and decisive victories. More than once in times of emergency He brought them to the front and worked through them for the salvation of many lives.—Letter B-22, 1911. (WM 158.1) MC VC
The Mother’s First Responsibility—The mother’s influence never ceases. It is ever active, either for good or for evil; and if she would have her work abide the test of the Judgment, she must make God her trust and labor with an eye single to His glory. Her first duty is to her children, to so mold their characters that they may be happy in this life and secure the future, immortal life. She should not be influenced by what Mrs. So-and-So does, nor by the remarks of Mrs. A. or B. in reference to her being so odd, so different from other people in her dress or in the arrangement of her house for comfort rather than display or in the management of her children. (WM 158.2) MC VC
God has given the mother, in the education of her children, a responsibility paramount to everything else.—Good Health, June, 1880. (WM 158.3) MC VC
Society Has Claims Upon Women—It is woman’s right to look after the interest of her husband, to have a care for his wardrobe, and to seek to make him happy. It is her right to improve her mind and manners, to be social, cheerful, and happy, shedding sunshine in her family and making it a little heaven. And she may have an interest for more than “me and mine.” She should consider that society has claims upon her.—The Health Reformer, June, 1873. (WM 158.4) MC VC