Ev 471-4
(Evangelism 471-4)
Youth Called as Gospel Visitors—There are many lines in which the youth can find opportunity for helpful effort. Companies should be organized and thoroughly educated to work as nurses, gospel visitors, and Bible readers, as canvassers, ministers, and medical missionary evangelists.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 546 (1913). (Ev 471.1) MC VC
Women to Do Visiting—Women may accomplish a good work for God if they will first learn the precious, all-important lesson of meekness in the school of Christ. They will be able to benefit humanity by presenting to them the all-sufficiency of Jesus.... (Ev 471.2) MC VC
Many who are entrusted with some humble line of work to do for the Master, soon become dissatisfied, and think that they should be teachers and leaders. They want to leave their humble ministering, which is just as important in its place as the larger responsibilities. Those who are set to do visiting, soon come to think that anyone can do that work, that anyone can speak words of sympathy and encouragement, and lead men in a humble, quiet way to a correct understanding of the Scriptures. But it is a work which demands much grace, much patience, and an ever-increasing stock of wisdom.... (Ev 471.3) MC VC
No work done for the Master must be considered inferior and of little account.... If it is done cheerfully, humbly, and in the meekness of Christ, it will result in the glory of God.—Letter 88, 1895. (Ev 471.4) MC VC
Women in Public Ministry VC
The Effectiveness of Women’s Work—Women can be the instruments of righteousness, rendering holy service. It was Mary that first preached a risen Jesus.... If there were twenty women where now there is one, who would make this holy mission their cherished work, we should see many more converted to the truth. The refining, softening influence of Christian women is needed in the great work of preaching the truth.—The Review and Herald, January 2, 1879. (Ev 471.5) MC VC
Husband and Wife in a United Work—There are women who should labor in the gospel ministry. In many respects they would do more good than the ministers who neglect to visit the flock of God.—Manuscript 43a, 1898. (Ev 472.1) MC VC
Wisdom Needed to Choose Gospel Teachers—There should be selected for the work wise, consecrated men who can do a good work in reaching souls. Women also should be chosen who can present the truth in a clear, intelligent, straightforward manner. We need among us laborers who see the need of a deep work of grace to be done in hearts; and such should be encouraged to engage in earnest missionary effort. There has long been the need for more of this class of workers. We must pray most earnestly, “Lord, help us to help one another.” Self must be buried with Christ, and we must be baptized with the Holy Spirit of God. Then will be revealed in speech, in spirit, and in our manner of labor the fact that the Spirit of God is guiding. (Ev 472.2) MC VC
We need as workers men and women who understand the reasons of our faith and who realize the work to be done in communicating truth, and who will refuse to speak any words that will weaken the confidence of any soul in the Word of God or destroy the fellowship that should exist between those of like faith.—Letter 54, 1909. (Ev 472.3) MC VC
A Bible Instructor Addresses Congregation—Every week tells its story; one soul or two souls receive the truth, and the wonderful change in their features and in their character is so marked by their neighbor that the conviction of the very life of their neighbors is leading others to the truth; and they are now searching the Scriptures diligently.... (Ev 472.4) MC VC
Sister R and Sister W are doing just as efficient work as the ministers; and some meetings when the ministers are all called away, Sister W takes the Bible and addresses the congregation.—Letter 169, 1900. (Ev 473.1) MC VC
A Sister to Address the Crowd—We believe fully in church organization, but in nothing that is to prescribe the precise way in which we must work; for all minds are not reached by the same methods.... (Ev 473.2) MC VC
Each person has his own lamp to keep burning.... Very much more light shines from one such lamp onto the path of the wanderer, than would be given by a whole torchlight procession got up for parade and show. Oh, what a work may be done if we will not stretch ourselves beyond our measure! (Ev 473.3) MC VC
Teach this, my sister. You have many ways opened before you. Address the crowd whenever you can; hold every jot of influence you can by any association that can be made the means of introducing the leaven to the meal. Every man and every woman has a work to do for the Master. Personal consecration and sanctification to God will accomplish, through the most simple methods, more than the most imposing display.—The Review and Herald, May 9, 1899. (Ev 473.4) MC VC
Camp Meeting Bible Class Conducted by Women—Our camp meetings are to be conducted in such a way that they shall be schools for the education of workers. We need to have a better understanding of the division of labor, and educate all how to carry each part of the work successfully.... Let short discourses be given, and then let Bible classes be held. Let the speaker be sure to rivet the truth upon minds. Intelligent women, if truly converted, can act a part in this work of holding Bible classes. There is a wide field of service for women as well as for men.—Letter 84, 1910. (Ev 473.5) MC VC
Training and Background VC
The Value of Well-trained Workers—God calls for laborers; but He wants those who are willing to submit their wills to His, and who will teach the truth as it is in Jesus. One worker who has been trained and educated for the work, who is controlled by the Spirit of Christ, will accomplish far more than ten laborers who go out deficient in knowledge and weak in the faith. One who works in harmony with the counsel of God, and in unity with the brethren, will be more efficient to do good than ten will be who do not realize the necessity of depending upon God and of acting in harmony with the general plan of the work.—The Review and Herald, May 29, 1888. (Ev 474.1) MC VC
Bible Workers From Our Schools—In every school that God has established there will be, as never before, demand for Bible instruction. Our students are to be educated to become Bible workers, and the Bible teachers can do a most wonderful work if they will themselves learn from the great Teacher. (Ev 474.2) MC VC
God’s Word is true philosophy, true science. Human opinions and sensational preaching amount to very little. Those who are imbued with the Word of God can teach it in the same simple way in which Christ taught it. Too much depends on the opening of the Scriptures to those in darkness for us to use one word that cannot be readily understood.... (Ev 474.3) MC VC
There is need of workers who will come close to unbelievers, not waiting for unbelievers to come close to them, workers who will search for the lost sheep, who will do personal labor, and who will give clear, definite instruction. (Ev 474.4) MC VC