Ev 464-71
(Evangelism 464-71)
Some Seem Unapproachable—Those who work for God will find some people unapproachable. They appear to be offended that you should invade the privacy of their faith and devotion, and do not look graciously upon those who are workers together with God. These workers must look away from self to Jesus, giving careful attention to the directions found in His Word.—Letter 5, 1896. (Ev 464.1) MC VC
Women in Evangelism VC
In This Time of Crisis—The Lord has a work for women as well as for men. They may take their places in His work at this crisis, and He will work through them. If they are imbued with a sense of their duty, and labor under the influence of the Holy Spirit, they will have just the self-possession required for this time. The Saviour will reflect upon these self-sacrificing women the light of His countenance, and will give them a power that exceeds that of men. They can do in families a work that men cannot do, a work that reaches the inner life. They can come close to the hearts of those whom men cannot reach. Their labor is needed.—The Review and Herald, August 26, 1902. (Ev 464.2) MC VC
Women With Work at Heart—Women who have the cause of God at heart can do a good work in the districts in which they reside. Christ speaks of women who helped Him in presenting the truth before others, and Paul also speaks of women who labored with him in the gospel. But how very limited is the work done by those who could do a large work if they would.—Letter 31, 1894. (Ev 465.1) MC VC
When Believing Women Feel the Burden of Souls—I have thought, with your experience, under the supervision of God you could exert your influence to set in operation lines of work where women could unite together to work for the Lord. There certainly should be a larger number of women engaged in the work of ministering to suffering humanity, uplifting, educating them how to believe—simply to believe—in Jesus Christ our Saviour. And as souls give themselves to the Lord Jesus, making an entire surrender, they will understand the doctrine.... (Ev 465.2) MC VC
I am pained because our sisters in America are not more of them doing the work they might do for the Lord Jesus. Abiding in Christ, they would receive courage and strength and faith for the work. Many women love to talk. Why can’t they talk the words of Christ to perishing souls? The more closely we are related to Christ, the heart learns the wretchedness of souls that do not know God, and who do not feel the dishonor they are doing to Christ who has bought them with a price. (Ev 465.3) MC VC
When the believing women shall feel the burden of souls, and burden of sins not their own, they will be working as Christ worked. They will consider no sacrifice too great to make to win souls to Christ. And everyone who has this love for souls, is born of God; they are ready to follow in His footsteps, and their words and voice would be talents employed in the Master’s service; the very nourishment coming from the parent stock to their own souls would flow out in distinct channels of love to souls who are withered and dried up. (Ev 465.4) MC VC
In this work is a constant education. The desire to be a blessing discovers the weakness and inefficiency of the worker. This drives the soul to God in prayer, and the Lord Jesus gives light and His Holy Spirit, and they understand that it is Christ who does the melting and breaking of the hard hearts.—Letter 133, 1898. (Ev 466.1) MC VC
Needed in Various Branches of the Work—In the various branches of the work of God’s cause, there is a wide field in which our sisters may do good service for the Master. Many lines of missionary work are neglected. In the different churches, much work which is often left undone or done imperfectly, could be well accomplished by the help that our sisters, if properly instructed, can give. Through various lines of home missionary effort they can reach a class that is not reached by our ministers. Among the noble women who have had the moral courage to decide in favor of the truth for this time are many who have tact, perception, and good ability, and who may make successful workers. The labors of such Christian women are needed.—The Review and Herald, December 10, 1914. (Ev 466.2) MC VC
Women’s Part in Evangelism—In the various lines of home missionary work, the modest, intelligent woman may use her powers to the very highest account. Who can have so deep a love for the souls of men and women for whom Christ has died as those who are partakers of His grace? Who can represent the truth and the example of Christ better than Christian women who themselves are practicing the truth?—The Review and Herald, December 10, 1914. (Ev 466.3) MC VC
As Counselor, Companion, and Co-Worker—Woman, if she wisely improves her time and her faculties, relying upon God for wisdom and strength, may stand on an equality with her husband as adviser, counselor, companion, and co-worker, and yet lose none of her womanly grace or modesty. She may elevate her own character, and just as she does this she is elevating and ennobling the characters of her family, and exerting a powerful though unconscious influence upon others around her. Why should not women cultivate the intellect? Why should they not answer the purpose of God in their existence? Why may they not understand their own powers, and realizing that these powers are given of God, strive to make use of them to the fullest extent in doing good to others, in advancing the work of reform, of truth and real goodness in the world? Satan knows that women have a power of influence for good or for evil; therefore he seeks to enlist them in his cause.—Good Health, June, 1880. (Ev 467.1) MC VC
The Power of a Consistent Life—Wonderful is the mission of the wives and mothers and the younger women workers. If they will, they can exert an influence for good to all around them. By modesty in dress and circumspect deportment, they may bear witness to the truth in its simplicity. They may let their light so shine before all, that others will see their good works and glorify their Father which is in heaven. A truly converted woman will exert a powerful transforming influence for good. Connected with her husband, she may aid him in his work, and become the means of encouragement and blessing to him. When the will and way are brought into subjection to the Spirit of God, there is no limit to the good that can be accomplished.—Manuscript 91, 1908. (Ev 467.2) MC VC
Burden Bearers for Jesus—Our sisters, the youth, the middle-aged, and those of advanced years, may act a part in the closing work for this time; and in doing this as they have opportunity, they will obtain an experience of the highest value to themselves. In forgetfulness of self, they will grow in grace. By training the mind in this direction, they will learn how to bear burdens for Jesus.—The Review and Herald, January 2, 1879. (Ev 468.1) MC VC
Those Who Work at Home—Those who employ men or women to assist in the work of the home should give them a just wage. And they should give them also a just appreciation. Do not let them think that their faithfulness in service is not appreciated. Their work is just as essential as is the work of those who give Bible readings, and they should receive words of appreciation. They often hunger for compassion and sympathy, and this should not be withheld from them, for they deserve it. (Ev 468.2) MC VC
Those who do the cooking and the other work of the home are as verily engaged in the service of God as are those engaged in Bible work. And they are in greater need of sympathy and compassion; for there is in spiritual lines of work that which keeps the spirits cheered, uplifted, and comforted. And remember, we are all servants. The one who does your housework is no less highly regarded by the Lord than the one whose work is to give Bible readings.—Manuscript 128, 1905. (Ev 468.3) MC VC
Both Men and Women Called to Bible Work VC
Combine Talents for a Decisive Work—When a great and decisive work is to be done, God chooses men and women to do this work, and it will feel the loss if the talents of both are not combined.—Letter 77, 1898. (Ev 469.1) MC VC
Women as well as men can engage in the work of hiding the truth where it can work out and be made manifest.—Testimonies For The Church 9:128 (1909). (Ev 469.2) MC VC
Some Women Adapted to Bible Work—There are women who are especially adapted for the work of giving Bible readings, and they are very successful in presenting the Word of God in its simplicity to others. They become a great blessing in reaching mothers and their daughters. This is a sacred work, and those engaged in it should receive encouragement.—Letter 108, 1910. (Ev 469.3) MC VC
Colored Women Called to the Work—Of late, as the needs of this field have been pressed upon me. I have been able to sleep but little. Medical missionary work must be carried on among this [the colored] people, who must be given a training in nursing, cooking, and in other important lines of work. There are those among them who must be trained to labor as teachers, Bible workers, and canvassers.—Letter 221, 1904. (Ev 469.4) MC VC
Trained Colored Men—Colored men are to be thoroughly educated and trained to give Bible readings and hold tent meetings among their own people. There are many having capability, who should be prepared for this work.—Testimonies For The Church 9:207 (1909). (Ev 469.5) MC VC
Bible Studies by Men of Spiritual Understanding—Hearts have been impressed, and souls converted, as you have presented the grand, testing truths of the Bible, the truths of the grace of Christ. There should now be connected with you in your labors, men of spiritual understanding, who will co-operate with you, who will in the daytime conduct Bible studies with the new converts, telling them how to yield to the power of the Holy Spirit, that these souls may be fully and firmly established in the truth. They need personal instruction upon many matters.—Letter 376, 1906. (Ev 470.1) MC VC
Training Men and Women for Bible Work—Elder and Mrs. Haskell were conducting Bible studies in the forenoons, and in the afternoons the workers in training were going out and visiting from house to house. These missionary visits, and the sale of many books and periodicals, opened the way for the holding of Bible readings. About forty men and women were attending the morning classes, and a goodly number of these students engaged in the afternoon work.—The Review and Herald, November 29, 1906. (Ev 470.2) MC VC
The Gospel Visitor VC
Both Bible Instructors and Visitors—There are those who have some experience who should, with every effort they make in dying churches as well as in new places, select young men or men of mature age to assist in the work. Thus they will be obtaining knowledge by interesting themselves in personal effort, and scores of helpers will be fitting for usefulness as Bible readers, as canvassers, and as visitors in the families.—Letter 34, 1886. (Ev 470.3) MC VC
Youth Called as Gospel Visitors—There are many lines in which the youth can find opportunity for helpful effort. Companies should be organized and thoroughly educated to work as nurses, gospel visitors, and Bible readers, as canvassers, ministers, and medical missionary evangelists.—Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, 546 (1913). (Ev 471.1) MC VC
Women to Do Visiting—Women may accomplish a good work for God if they will first learn the precious, all-important lesson of meekness in the school of Christ. They will be able to benefit humanity by presenting to them the all-sufficiency of Jesus.... (Ev 471.2) MC VC
Many who are entrusted with some humble line of work to do for the Master, soon become dissatisfied, and think that they should be teachers and leaders. They want to leave their humble ministering, which is just as important in its place as the larger responsibilities. Those who are set to do visiting, soon come to think that anyone can do that work, that anyone can speak words of sympathy and encouragement, and lead men in a humble, quiet way to a correct understanding of the Scriptures. But it is a work which demands much grace, much patience, and an ever-increasing stock of wisdom.... (Ev 471.3) MC VC
No work done for the Master must be considered inferior and of little account.... If it is done cheerfully, humbly, and in the meekness of Christ, it will result in the glory of God.—Letter 88, 1895. (Ev 471.4) MC VC
Women in Public Ministry VC
The Effectiveness of Women’s Work—Women can be the instruments of righteousness, rendering holy service. It was Mary that first preached a risen Jesus.... If there were twenty women where now there is one, who would make this holy mission their cherished work, we should see many more converted to the truth. The refining, softening influence of Christian women is needed in the great work of preaching the truth.—The Review and Herald, January 2, 1879. (Ev 471.5) MC VC