MM 60-1, 140
(Medical Ministry 60-1, 140)
All should put forth efforts to enlarge their experience. We are in a most critical situation; but Christ identifies Himself with our necessities. Christians are to learn daily of Christ. Spiritual sinew and muscle are now needed to work out right principles in every city and town and village. Varied talents are to be appreciated and cultivated, and withal we need true wisdom. We may not see our need of counseling with God; but the true Christian in every place will inquire what is the will of the Lord concerning His individual work.... (MM 60.1) MC VC
The work of promulgating the principles of health reform which the Lord has outlined to us must be accomplished. When we study the self-denial of Christ, and make His life our example, truth and righteousness will prevail among us. We will esteem as of highest value the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.—Letter 132, 1908. (MM 60.2) MC VC
Women to Be Especially Trained VC
I have words of instruction for you and your co-workers who are ministers and physicians and counselors at Loma Linda.... (MM 60.3) MC VC
In a remarkable way God has brought into our possession some of the institutions through whose agency we are to accomplish the work of reformation to which as a people we are called. At this time every talent of every worker should be regarded as a sacred trust to be used in extending the work of reform. The Lord instructed me that our sisters who have received a training that has fitted them for positions of responsibility are to serve with faithfulness and discernment in their calling, using their influence wisely and, with their brethren in the faith, obtaining an experience that will fit them for still greater usefulness.... (MM 60.4) MC VC
In ancient times the Lord worked in a wonderful way through consecrated women who united in His work with men whom He had chosen to stand as His representatives. He used women to gain great and decisive victories. More than once in times of emergency He brought them to the front and worked through them for the salvation of many lives.... (MM 60.5) MC VC
There are many who have ability to stand with their husbands in sanitarium work, to give treatments to the sick, and to speak words of counsel and encouragement to others. There are those who should seek an education that will fit them to act the part of physicians. (MM 60.6) MC VC
In this line of service a positive work needs to be done. Women as well as men are to receive a thorough medical training. They should make a special study of the diseases common to women, that they may understand how to treat them. It is considered most essential that men desiring to practice medicine shall receive the broad training necessary for the following of such a profession. It is just as essential that women receive such training, and obtain their diplomas certifying their right to act as physicians. (MM 61.1) MC VC
Our institutions should be especially thorough in giving to women a training that will fit them to act as midwives. There should be in our sanitariums lady physicians who understand well their profession, and who can attend women at the time of childbirth. Light has been given me that women instead of men should take the responsibility in such cases. I was directed to the Bible plan, in which at such times women acted the part of the physician. This plan should be carried out by us; for it is the Lord’s plan. (MM 61.2) MC VC
Again and again light has been given me that women should be chosen and educated for this line of work. Now the time has come when we should face the matter clearly. More women should be educated for this work, and thus a door of temptation may be closed. We should allow no unnecessary temptation to be placed in the way of physicians and nurses, or the people for whom they minister.—Letter 22, 1911. (MM 61.3) MC VC
No Compromise VC
I am instructed to say that in our educational work there is to be no compromise in order to meet the world’s standards. God’s commandment-keeping people are not to unite with the world to carry various lines of work according to worldly plans and worldly wisdom. (MM 61.4) MC VC
Our people are now being tested as to whether they will obtain their wisdom from the greatest Teacher the world ever knew, or seek to the God of Ekron. Let us determine that we shall not be tied by so much as a thread to the educational policies of those who do not discern the voice of God and who will not hearken to His commandments. (MM 61.5) MC VC
The Minister and His Wife VC
The minister and his wife who are truly converted and who give themselves wholly to the work of the Lord are daily becoming more and more intelligent and efficient in their labor for others. They can open the Scriptures to souls in such a way as to bring light to minds in darkness. (MM 140.1) MC VC
Women can learn what needs to be done to reach other women. There are women who are especially adapted for the work of giving Bible readings, and they are very successful in presenting the word of God in its simplicity to others. They become a great blessing in reaching mothers and their daughters. This is a sacred work, and those engaged in it should receive encouragement. (MM 140.2) MC VC
The Physician and His Wife VC
In the medical missionary work to be done, women should give treatment to women. A man and his wife who are both physicians can accomplish great good by laboring together. The wife can visit other women, and when she finds suffering and disease, she can consult with her husband as to the best method of helping the sufferers. We should have more women physicians than we have. When women who are sick are treated and cared for by women, a door through which Satan tries to enter is closed against him. Many cases have been presented to me where Satan has entered through this door to ruin families. Let him not obtain any advantage upon any point. (MM 140.3) MC VC
I wish all to understand this matter. There should be in our sanitariums women physicians who can stand by their husbands, and who can do the examining of women patients, and give them treatment. Many more sensible, thoroughly converted women should become intelligent physicians. (MM 140.4) MC VC
I am instructed that our sanitariums must have women physicians as well as men physicians.—Letter 108, 1910. (MM 140.5) MC VC
Subtle Temptations VC
Subtle, dangerous temptations will come to the physician who believes the truth for these last days. That which would be condemned in a worker of another class is supposed to be admissible in him. Thus a multitude of sins are covered up, sins which are registered in the books of heaven as a departure from Bible principles. Instead of being careless and familiar, he should act wisely, discreetly. Our sanitariums must not be made a subject of criticism because of a careless familiarity shown by the physicians and the nurses. Temptations of this kind the physician may resist if he understands his peril and clings to his Saviour, living out the word of God in every respect. If true to the word of God, we are on the side of Christ, on the side of the loyal, holy angels; we stand under the shield of Omnipotence. Of whom, then, should we be afraid?— Manuscript 162, 1897. (MM 140.6) MC VC