PM 73.1
(The Publishing Ministry 73.1)
Those who labor in our institutions are there for the purpose of promoting the intellectual and spiritual welfare of those under their care. They must make their work a matter of earnest prayer and study, that they may know how to deal with human minds and accomplish the object before them. Their first work is carefully to scrutinize their own habits, for there are those who have not put away childish things. They are in need of transforming grace, or they will not meet the Bible standard of Christianity. Then when they are compelled to deal with those who are meeting a low standard, they will know what words to speak to them, and will not be harsh, domineering, or arbitrary toward them. They must be chaste, and so free from the taint of defilement, that they can correct these evils, and bring these poor souls up to the Bible standard of purity.—Letter 47, 1896. (Special Testimony to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions, 10, 11.) (PM 73.1) MC VC