VSS 201.0
(The Voice in Speech and Song 201.0)
Right Voice Culture No Idle Tale—The human agent must take himself in hand. God has given him physical and spiritual powers, and these need to be constantly cultivated and improved. In a great measure, physical weariness may be avoided by speaking slowly, calmly, unexcitedly. (VSS 201.1) MC VC
In speaking, many have made a constant tax upon their vocal organs. The lungs have been injured, and premature death has ended their work. Nature will not always endure the abuse placed upon her laws. They are ignored by many, but eventually she will make her protest, and punish the transgressor. If these workers would but learn that God does not require this overtaxation, and that in overstraining the delicate vital organs and shortening the period of their usefulness, they are dishonoring Him, they would not cultivate habits which are injurious. (VSS 201.2) MC VC
The excuse is made, “It is my habit; it is my way, and I cannot overcome it.” Will my brethren take heed how they use the organs of speech in the ministration of the Word? They are to follow God’s way, and not their own will. Christ has given them no such example in His manner of teaching. His followers are to make strenuous efforts to overcome their habits of long, loud speaking. This greatly injures the melody of the human voice. (VSS 201.3) MC VC