VSS 65.2
(The Voice in Speech and Song 65.2)
Useless, Meaningless Chit-Chat—The talent of speech is a gift of God, and when we hear so much useless, meaningless chit-chat, we may be assured that those who thus use this precious gift are not Christians. They are not abiding in Christ, nor is Christ abiding in them. Every tree is known by its fruits. “A good man out of the good treasure of the heart, bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.” Matthew 12:35. What a flood of evil and rubbish flows forth because of the talent of speech. And how many are denying Christ by their speech! Instead of making a good confession of Christ by their manner of conversation they say, “I know not the Man.” Matthew 26:72. It is easy enough to have a form of godliness; but to make a whole-sided confession of our faith in Christ, means that our words, and dress, and spirit shall testify to the fact.—Lt 19, 1897. (VSS 65.2) MC VC