PM 66.0
(The Publishing Ministry 66.0)
It is time that we as Christians reach a much higher standard. God forbid that any institution that He has planted shall become a means of decoying souls, a place where iniquity is taught. Let all learn in the school of Christ meekness, purity, and lowliness of heart. Let them hang their helpless souls on Jesus. Live in the light shining from the oracles of God. Educate mind and heart to pure, elevated, holy thoughts. “Be ye holy in all manner of conversation.”(1 Peter 1:15).... (PM 66.1) MC VC
Great decision of character will now be necessary on your part, to change this order of things. No weak efforts will accomplish the work. You cannot do it of yourselves; you must have the grace of Christ, or you can never overcome. All your plans will prove a failure unless you are actuated by higher motives, and upheld by greater strength, than you can have in and of yourselves.—Letter 74, 1896. (Special Testimony to the Managers and Workers in our Institutions, 14-16.) (PM 66.2) MC VC
Faithful in Public Worship—Those standing at the head of the publishing work should remember that they are an example to many; and they should be faithful in the public worship of God, just as they would have every workman in every department of the office faithful. If they are seen in the house of worship only occasionally, others will excuse themselves on account of their neglect. These businessmen can at any time talk fluently and intelligently on business matters, showing that they have not exercised their powers in this direction in vain. They have put tact and skill and knowledge into their work; but how important it is that their hearts, their minds, and all their powers be also trained for faithful service in the cause and worship of God; that they may be able to point out the way of salvation through Christ in language eloquent in its simplicity. They should be men of earnest prayer and firm reliance upon God; men who, like Abraham, will order their households after them and will manifest a special interest in the spiritual welfare of all connected with the office.—Testimonies for the Church 5:408, 409. (PM 66.3) MC VC