SW 48.1
(The Southern Work 48.1)
The Bible contains the living bread for the soul. Shall this Book, with its treasures of wisdom, be opened to those who are unlearned, and especially to the vast numbers of the colored people who are scattered through the United States? Shall we be justified in withholding this precious Word from the ignorant and depraved, when by partaking of it by faith is eternal life? Shall we expend labor most largely for those who know the truth? Shall weeks be occupied in seeking to work up a greater interest among those who have heard the truth of salvation over and over again, and leave those who have never heard it with no effort for their enlightenment? How much more appropriate would it be for those who have been thus privileged, to expend their time, talent, and money in imparting that which they understand to those who do not know God, and have never had the Scriptures opened up before them—in presenting the special message that is to be given to the world in these last days! Gather up the precious fragments of truth and go to work to present them to those who are starving for the Word of life. (SW 48.1) MC VC