PM 136.0
(The Publishing Ministry 136.0)
Tenderness in Dealing With Workers—I entreat those who have charge of the office here to be kind and courteous in dealing with the apprentices. Win their souls by kindness. If they do wrong, go to them in the spirit of meekness, and talk and pray with them. Work for the salvation of every one of them. Do not rest till this is accomplished. Let them see that you act as tender fathers and brothers, that you are meek and lowly in heart. Do not rest until you see that their feet are planted firmly on the Rock of Ages. Then everything will move harmoniously. (PM 136.1) MC VC
If our ministering brethren pass through the office, let them speak kindly and encouragingly to the workmen. Shake hands with them, and inquire as to what progress they are making. Encourage them to climb to the very highest round of the ladder of progress. (PM 136.2) MC VC
If you see something in a brother that needs to be corrected, go to him and say, “Let us pray about this; let us talk with God about it.” If you should weep, this will not hurt you. If you were to break your heart before God, He can bind it up and give you that grace which is unto eternal life. But God has not set you as dictators. He has not committed to you the work of punishing sinners. He desires you to search your own heart and put away your sins, to work away from every defect of character.—Manuscript 73, 1906. (PM 136.3) MC VC