PM 288.1
(The Publishing Ministry 288.1)
Practical Work Rather Than Years of Study—There are many young men and young women among us who, if inducements were held out, would naturally be inclined to take several years’ course of study at Battle Creek. [Not all the youth who labor for God require extended college and advanced study and preparation. The canvassing field is itself a classroom.] But will it pay? Has not the Lord some practical work to do in missionary lines? Manly young men will be needed to enter the printing office when it is established in Washington, to learn the printer’s trade. Our publications are to be prepared to go forth to the world. Canvassers are to be educated to take up the work of circulating these publications. Our books and papers are to go to places that are still in the darkness of error.—Letter 169, 1903. (PM 288.1) MC VC