UL 55.3
(The Upward Look 55.3)
The followers of Jesus need not be amazed if they are made partakers with Christ of His sufferings. How can Christ look upon those for whom He has done so much, for whom He has paid so infinite a price, and yet they have never appreciated His great gift for them. The work of Christ’s representatives will be similar to that of their Redeemer. They are not to look to self or trust in self. They are not to place too high an estimate upon their own efforts. And when they see that others do not regard their efforts as highly as they themselves estimate them, they come to feel that their labors might as well cease. But this is the work of the enemy. We live not to men but to God. God estimates our work at their fullest value. God estimates nobility of character, and whether men appreciate it or not, it lives after the man is gone. After man has nothing more to do with anything under the sun, the example he has set, the golden words he has spoken, live through all time and through all eternity. This influence which was after the divine pattern never dies. His life has been connected with God. (UL 55.3) MC VC