UL 306.2
(The Upward Look 306.2)
Are you standing on the side of the world, or on the side of Christ? Of what value would the whole world be to me, with all the gold and the silver that could be heaped together? Of what value would it be to you? My span of life is nearly ended. Many, many of my early associates are now in the grave. All that remains of our once large family is one of my sisters—and she is feeble. God has given me strength. He is the health of my countenance. Every morning I rejoice in Him. I know I have committed the keeping of my soul to Him, as unto a faithful Creator; and I know He has never failed me. If you place your trust in Him, the Lord will also give to every one of you His strength, His grace, His salvation. (UL 306.2) MC VC