UL 312.3
(The Upward Look 312.3)
This is clearly defined as unbelief and it is sin before God, for they dishonor God and limit the Holy One of Israel. Christ is your Saviour.... The gracious promises are given to His church, and if you have taken the steps requisite in conversion, if you have made open confession of Christ, you are a part of the body of Christ, a part of His great whole. Anxiety, questionings, and distrust of God show that you do not believe in Him and do not appropriate the promises to yourself. Therefore you fall short of that comfort and hope and courage in the Lord that it is your privilege and duty to have every hour of the day and every day in the week. Do you love Jesus? Do you long for His peace? Then believe, and the longings of your soul shall be satisfied.... (UL 312.3) MC VC