3SM 326.0
(Selected Messages Book 3 326.0)
Take Hold of Jesus and Never Let Go—Again I bid you to look away from yourself. Look to Jesus. Take hold of the Mighty One, and never let go. Our Lord Jesus has expressed his love for you in that he gave his own life that you might be saved; you must not distrust that love. Do not look on the dark side. Be hopeful in God. By beholding Jesus as your sin-pardoning Saviour you become changed into his image. Say, “I have asked my Saviour, he has set me free, and I am free indeed. I am the Lord’s, and the Lord is mine. I will not fear. I know that he loves me in my infirmities, and I will not make Him sorry by showing that I distrust Him. I break with the enemy. Christ has cut the cords that bound me, and I will praise the Lord.” (3SM 326.1) MC VC
Thus you can educate and strengthen your mind. May the Lord help and bless you every moment. Be free, yes, be free in the Lord just now. Rejoice in your freedom.—Letter 36, 1900. (3SM 326.2) MC VC
Look Beyond the Shadows VC
Jesus lives; he has risen, he has risen, he is alive forevermore. Do not feel that you carry the load. It is true you wear the yoke, but whom are you yoked up with?—No less a personage than your Redeemer. Satan will cast his hellish shadow athwart your pathway; you cannot expect anything else; but he cast the same dark shadow athwart the pathway of Christ. Now all you have to do is to look beyond the shadow to the brightness of Christ.... Do not look at the discouragements; think of how precious is Jesus. (3SM 326.3) MC VC