2MCP 466.3
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 2 466.3)
Worry Makes the Burden Heavy—I greatly fear that we are in danger, by worrying, of manufacturing yokes for our necks. Let us not worry; for thus we make the yoke severe and the burden heavy. Let us do all we can without worrying, trusting in Christ. Study His words, “All things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive” (Matthew 21:22). These words are the pledge that all that an omnipotent Saviour can bestow will be given to those who trust in Him. As stewards of the grace of heaven, we are to ask in faith and then wait trustingly for the salvation of God. We are not to step in before Him, trying in our own strength to bring about that which we desire. In His name we are to ask, and then we are to act as if we believed in His efficiency.—Lt 123, 1904. (2MCP 466.3) MC VC