FE 350
(Fundamentals of Christian Education 350)
I would not in any case counsel restriction of the education to which God has set no limit. Our education does not end with the advantages that this world can give. Through all eternity the chosen of God will be learners. But I would advise restriction in following those methods of education which imperil the soul and defeat the purpose for which time and money are spent. Education is a grand life work; but to obtain true education, it is necessary to possess that wisdom that cometh alone from God. The Lord God should be represented in every phase of education; but it is a mistake to devote a period of years to the study of one line of book-knowledge. After a period of time has been devoted to study, let no one advise students to enter again upon a line of study, but, rather, advise them to enter upon the work for which they have been studying. Let them be advised to put into practice the theories they have gained. Daniel pursued this course in Babylon. He put into practical use that which he had learned under tutors. Let students seek heavenly direction much more than they have done hitherto, and let them make no move, even though it be advised by their teachers, unless they have most humbly sought wisdom from God, and have received His guidance and counsel. (FE 350.1) MC VC