TM 392, 401-2
(Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers 392, 401-2)
Chapter 15—To God’s Workmen VC
[The articles in this section are from Special Testimonies, Series A 10:25-33 (1897-1898).] (TM 392) MC VC
A Reproof for Selfishness VC
Cooranbong, Australia
February 6, 1896
(TM 392)
(TM 392) MC VC
To My Brethren in America: (TM 392) MC VC
The great office work of the Holy Spirit is thus distinctly specified by our Saviour: “And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin.” John 16:8. Christ knew that this announcement was a wonderful trust. He was nearing the close of His ministry upon this earth and was standing in view of the cross, with a full realization of the load of guilt that must be placed upon Him as the Sin Bearer. Yet His greatest anxiety was for His disciples. He was seeking to find solace for them, and He told them, “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.” John 16:7. (TM 392.1) MC VC
Evil had been accumulating for centuries and could only be restrained and resisted by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Godhead, who would come with no modified energy, but in the fullness of divine power. Another spirit must be met; for the essence of evil was working in all ways, and the submission of man to this satanic captivity was amazing. (TM 392.2) MC VC
Selfishness Beclouds Judgment VC
Today, as in Christ’s day, Satan rules the minds of many. Oh, that his terrible, fearful work could be discerned and resisted! Selfishness has perverted principles, selfishness has confused the senses and clouded the judgment. It seems so strange that notwithstanding all the light that is shining from God’s blessed word, there should be such strange ideas held, such a departure from the spirit and practice of truth. The desire to grasp large wages, with a determination to deprive others of their God-given rights, has its origin in Satan’s mind; and by their obedience to his will and way, men place themselves under his banner. Little dependence can be placed on those that have been taken in this snare, unless they are thoroughly converted and renovated; for they have been leavened by wrong principles, which they could not perceive were deleterious in their effect. (TM 392.3) MC VC
Ministerial Institutes VC
“Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”(Mark 16:15) is Christ’s command to His workers. (TM 401.1) MC VC
But this plain declaration has been disregarded. Even though the light has been given again and again, men are called from the fields, where they should have continued working in the love and fear of God, seeking to save the lost, to spend weeks in attending a ministerial institute. There was a time when this work was made necessary, because our own people opposed the work of God by refusing the light of truth on the righteousness of Christ by faith. This they should have received and reechoed with heart and voice and pen, for it is their only efficiency. They should have labored under the Holy Spirit’s dictation to give the light to others. (TM 401.2) MC VC
By devoting year after year to ministerial institutes, [See Appendix.] fields have been neglected that are white already to harvest. Even the workers have been weakened instead of being strengthened. This has been a mistake. God calls upon His servants to communicate, not to be ever learning and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. (TM 401.3) MC VC
The Work of the Holy Spirit VC
The great object of the advent of the Holy Spirit is distinctly specified by Christ. “When He is come,” He said, “He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” John 16:8. This light has been kept before our people for years. The power of the Holy Spirit has been largely manifested at Battle Creek, the great heart of the work, to be communicated to those in the highways and hedges, that the mass of human beings under Satan’s sway of sin and death might be reformed and renovated by the Spirit’s power. But when light has come to those at the center of the work, they have not known how to treat it. The testimonies God has given His people are in harmony with His word. (TM 401.4) MC VC
When Christ spoke these words, He was standing in the shadow of the shameful cross, the symbol of the guilt which made the sacrifice of Christ necessary in order to save the world from complete ruin. Christ looked forward to the time when the Holy Spirit, as His representative, should come to do a wonderful work in and through His merits; and He felt privileged to communicate His relief to His disciples.... (TM 402.1) MC VC
Those who have not a living connection with God have not an appreciation of the Holy Spirit’s manifestation, and do not distinguish between the sacred and the common. They do not obey God’s voice, because, as the Jewish nation, they know not the time of their visitation. There is no help for man, woman, or child who will not hear and obey the voice of duty, for the voice of duty is the voice of God. The eyes, the ears, and the heart will become unimpressible if men and women refuse to give heed to the divine counsel, and choose the way that is best pleasing to themselves. (TM 402.2) MC VC
Oh, how much better it would be if all who do this were connected with some other work than the sacred institutions appointed by God as His great centers! They are supposed to be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit; but this is a mistake. They do not do the work of God faithfully; they do not give evidence that they realize its sacred character. Their influence misleads others, causing them to regard lightly God’s instrumentalities ordained for the saving of souls, and leading them to think that they may bring in their own ideas and common thoughts and plans. Thus a low, cheap level is reached, and God is greatly dishonored. (TM 402.3) MC VC