TDG 208.2, 358.5
(This Day With God 208.2, 358.5)
God has given to every man talents in trust. To every man He has given his work. There can be no idlers in His vineyard. Each has most earnest, sacred, solemn work to do for the Master. To everyone is committed some work to do, and none are excused. The day of final account will come, when the Lord reckons with His servants. The Chief Shepherd is Judge and illustrates the great principles which are to regulate the proceedings of the reckoning with His servants who are justified by faith, judged by their works. Faith works by love and purifies the soul of moral defilement that it may become a temple for the Lord. (TDG 208.2) MC VC
“Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1). To be justified means to be pardoned. To those whom God justifies He imputes Christ’s righteousness, for the Saviour has taken away our sin. We stand before the throne of God justified and sanctified. We are emptied of self, and, through the sanctification of the truth, Christ abides in our hearts.... (TDG 358.5) MC VC