5BC 1101, 1137
(S.D.A. Bible Commentary Vol. 5 1101, 1137)
Virtually Caiaphas was no high priest. He wore the priestly robes, but he had no vital connection with God. He was uncircumcised in heart. Proud and overbearing, he proved his unworthiness ever to have worn the garments of the high priest. He had no authority from heaven for occupying the position. He had not one ray of light from God to show him what the work of the priest was, or for what the office was instituted (The Review and Herald, June 12, 1900). (5BC 1101.1) MC VC
6-13 (Mark 14:3-9; John 12:1-8). An Illustration of God′s Methods—There are gifts that we rightly proportion to the character and necessities of the ones upon whom we bestow them. Not many of the poor would appreciate Mary′s offering, or our Lord′s sacrifice of Himself, which gift was the highest that could be given. That ointment was a symbol of the overflowing heart of the giver. It was an outward demonstration of a love fed by heavenly streams until it overflowed. And that ointment of Mary, which the disciples called “waste”, is repeating itself a thousand times in the susceptible hearts of others. (5BC 1101.2) MC VC
The Lord God is profuse in His gifts to our world. The question may be asked, Why does the Lord show such waste, such extravagance in the multitude of His gifts that cannot be enumerated? The Lord would be so bountiful toward His human family that it cannot be said of Him that He could do more. When He gave Jesus to our world, He gave all heaven. His love is without a parallel. It did not stop short of anything.... (5BC 1101.3) MC VC
To human reasoning the whole plan of salvation is a waste of mercies and resources. They are provided to accomplish the restoration of the moral image of God in man. The atonement is abundantly able to secure to all who will receive it, mansions in heaven. The supposed prodigality of Mary is an illustration of the methods of God in the plan of salvation; for nature and grace, related to each other, manifest the ennobling fullness of the Source from which they flow (Manuscript 28, 1897). (5BC 1101.4) MC VC
14-16 (Mark 14:10, 11; Luke 22:3-5; 1 Timothy 6:10). No Outbreaking Sin—The love of money in the heart of Judas was growing with the exercise of his shrewd abilities. His practical financiering ability if exercised and enlightened and moulded by the Holy Spirit, would have been of great service to the little church, and by the sanctification of his spirit he would have had a clear insight, a correct discernment to appreciate heavenly things. But worldly policy plans were constantly cherished by Judas. There was no outbreaking sin on his part, but his sharp scheming, the selfish, parsimonious spirit that took possession of him, finally led him to sell his Lord for a small sum of money (Manuscript 28, 1897). (5BC 1101.5) MC VC
Two Kinds of Experience Confused by Judas—There are two kinds of experience—the outside showing and the inward working. The divine and human were at work in the character of Judas. Satan was working the human, Christ the divine. The Lord Jesus longed to see Judas rise to his appointed privileges. But the human side of Judas′ character was confused with his religious sentiments, and treated by him as essential attributes. By taking this view of things, he left an open door for Satan to enter and take possession of the entire man. If Judas had practiced the lessons of Christ, he would have surrendered to Christ, he would have consecrated his heart fully to God; but his confused experience was misleading him (Manuscript 28, 1897). (5BC 1101.6) MC VC
A Religious Fraud—The case of Judas has been presented to me as a lesson for all. Judas was with Christ through the entire period of the Saviour′s public ministry. He had all that Christ could give him. Had he used his capabilities with earnest diligence, he could have accumulated talents. Had he sought to be a blessing, instead of a questioning, criticizing, selfish man, the Lord would have used him to advance His kingdom. But Judas was a speculator. He thought that he could manage the finances of the church, and by his sharpness in business get gain. He was divided in heart. He loved the praise of the world. He refused to give up the world for Christ. He never committed his eternal interests to Christ. He had a superficial religion, and therefore he speculated upon his Master and betrayed Him to the priests, being fully persuaded that Christ would not allow Himself to be taken. (5BC 1101.7) MC VC
Chapter 11 VC
50, 51 (John 18:14). Caiaphas Prophesied Unknowingly—[John 11:50, 51 quoted.] These words were uttered by one who knew not their significance. He had lost the sense of the sacredness of the sacrifices and offerings. But his words meant more than he or those connected with him knew. By them he bore testimony that the time had come for the Aaronic priesthood to cease forever. He was condemning One who had been prefigured in every sacrifice made, but One whose death would end the need of types and shadows. Unknowingly he was declaring that Christ was about to fulfill that for which the system of sacrifices and offerings had been instituted (The Review and Herald, June 12, 1900). (5BC 1137.1) MC VC
Chapter 12 VC
1-8. See EGW comment on Matthew 26:6-13. (5BC 1137.2) MC VC
3 (Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9). Love and Talents Blended—Pure, sanctified love, expressed by Christ′s lifework, is as sacred perfume. Like an opened bottle of perfume, it fills the whole house with fragrance. Eloquence, an extended knowledge of the truth, outward devotion, rare talents, if mingled with sacred, humble love, will become as fragrant as the opened box of ointment. But gifts alone, ability alone, the choicest endowments alone, cannot take the place of love [1 Corinthians 13:1-3 quoted] (Manuscript 22, 1897). (5BC 1137.3) MC VC
12-15, 19. Multitudes Acclaim Christ—The dignitaries of the temple are dumb with astonishment. Where now is the boasted power of priests and rulers over the people! The authorities had announced that whoever should acknowledge Jesus to be the Christ was to be put out of the synagogue and deprived of its sacred privileges. Yet here are the enthusiastic multitude shouting loud hosannas to the Son of David, and recounting the titles given Him by the prophets. As well might the priests and rulers attempt to deprive the earth of the shining face of the sun, as to shut from the world the beams of glory from the Sun of Righteousness. In spite of all opposition, the kingdom of Christ was confessed by the people. (5BC 1137.4) MC VC
When the priests and rulers recovered their voices, they murmured among themselves, “Perceive ye how ye prevail nothing? Behold, the world is gone after Him.” John 12:19. But they soon shook off the paralyzing effect of the strange exhibition which they had witnessed, and tried to intimidate the crowd by threatening to complain of them to the civil authorities as raising an insurrection (The Spirit of Prophecy 3:14, 15). (5BC 1137.5) MC VC
32 (John 1:29; 3:14, 15; see EGW comment on Galatians 6:14). No Rest for Some—Never before was there such a general knowledge of Jesus as when He hung upon the cross. He was lifted up from the earth, to draw all to Him. Into the hearts of many who beheld that crucifixion scene, and who heard Christ′s words, was the light of truth to shine. With John they would proclaim, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” John 1:29. There were those who never rested until, searching the Scriptures and comparing passage with passage, they saw the meaning of Christ′s mission. They saw that free forgiveness was provided by Him whose tender mercy embraced the whole world. They read the prophecies regarding Christ, and the promises so free and full, pointing to a fountain opened for Judah and Jerusalem (Manuscript 45, 1897). (5BC 1137.6) MC VC
Study All in Light From Cross—The sacrifice of Christ as an atonement for sin is the great truth around which all other truths cluster. In order to be rightly understood and appreciated, every truth in the Word of God, from Genesis to Revelation, must be studied in the light which streams from the cross of Calvary, and in connection with the wondrous, central truth of the Saviour′s atonement. Those who study the Redeemer′s wonderful sacrifice grow in grace and knowledge. (5BC 1137.7) MC VC
I present before you the great, grand monument of mercy and regeneration, salvation and redemption—the Son of God uplifted on the cross of Calvary. This is to be the theme of every discourse. Christ declares, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me”(John 12:32) (Manuscript 70, 1901). (5BC 1137.8) MC VC
The Cross Planted Between Earth and Heaven—When Christ came to this world, He found that Satan had everything as he wanted it. The adversary of God and man thought that he was indeed the prince of the earth, but Jesus laid hold of the world to take it out of the power of Satan. He came to redeem it from the curse of sin and the penalty of transgression, that the transgressor might be forgiven. He planted the cross between earth and heaven, and between divinity and humanity; and as the Father beheld the cross, He was satisfied. He said, “It is enough, the offering is complete.” God and man may be reconciled. Those who have lived in rebellion against God, may become reconciled, if as they see the cross, they become repentant, and accept the great propitiation that Christ has made for their sins. In the cross they see that “mercy and truth have met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other”(Psalm 85:10) (The Signs of the Times, September 30, 1889). (5BC 1137.9) MC VC