1MCP 45.2, 319.1
(Mind, Character, and Personality Volume 1 45.2, 319.1)
Peace Found in Cherishing Meekness—The soul finds rest only in cherishing meekness and lowliness of heart. The peace of Christ is never found where selfishness reigns. The soul cannot grow in grace when it is self-centered and proud. Jesus assumed the position that man must take in order that the peace of Christ may abide in the heart. Those who have offered themselves to Christ to become His disciples must deny self daily, must lift up the cross and follow in the footsteps of Jesus. They must go where His example leads the way.— Letter 28, 1888 (1MCP 45.2) MC VC
Exalt the Conscience to Its Rightful Place of Authority—God has given men more than a mere animal life. He “so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. He expects those for whom He has made so great a sacrifice to show their appreciation of His love by following the example that Christ has set them, living lives that are in harmony with His will. He expects them to respond to the love He has expressed for them by denying self for the good of others. He expects them to use the powers of mind and body in His service. He has given them affections, and He expects them to use this precious gift to His glory. He has given them a conscience, and He forbids that this gift be in any way misused; it is, rather, to be exalted to the place of authority to which He has assigned it.—The Southern Watchman, March 1, 1904. (1MCP 319.1) MC VC