2SM 54, 235, 347
(Selected Messages Book 2 54, 235, 347)
Multitudes have heard me speak, and have read my writings, but no one has ever heard me claim to work miracles. I have at times been called upon to pray for the sick, and the word of the Lord has been verified. [James 5:14, 15 quoted.] Christ is the great miracle worker. To Him be all the glory.—Letter 410, 1907. (2SM 54.1) MC VC
Why Miracles are Less Important Today VC
The way in which Christ worked was to preach the Word, and to relieve suffering by miraculous works of healing. But I am instructed that we cannot now work in this way, for Satan will exercise his power by working miracles. God’s servants today could not work by means of miracles, because spurious works of healing, claiming to be divine, will be wrought. (2SM 54.2) MC VC
For this reason the Lord has marked out a way in which His people are to carry forward a work of physical healing, combined with the teaching of the Word. Sanitariums are to be established, and with these institutions are to be connected workers who will carry forward genuine medical missionary work. Thus a guarding influence is thrown around those who come to the sanitariums for treatment. (2SM 54.3) MC VC
This is the provision the Lord has made whereby gospel medical missionary work is to be done for many souls.—Letter 53, 1904. (2SM 54.4) MC VC
Miracles in the Closing Conflict VC
It is impossible to give any idea of the experience of the people of God who will be alive on the earth when past woes and celestial glory will be blended. They will walk in the light proceeding from the throne of God. By the means of the angels there will be constant communication between heaven and earth. And Satan, surrounded by evil angels, and claiming to be God, will work miracles of all kinds to deceive, if possible, the very elect. God’s people will not find their safety in working miracles, for Satan would counterfeit any miracle that might be worked. God’s tried and tested people will find their power in the sign spoken of in Exodus 31:12-18. They are to take their stand on the living Word—“It is written.” This is the only foundation upon which they can stand securely. Those who have broken their covenant with God will in that day be without hope and without God in the world. (2SM 54.5) MC VC
Meditations Through Days of Affliction VC
Prayer and Anointing—but Not Instantly Healed (2SM 235) MC VC
May 21, 1892—The trying, almost sleepless night is ended. Yesterday afternoon Elder [A. G.] Daniells and his wife, Elder [G. C.] Tenney and his wife, and Brethren Stockton and Smith came to our house at my request to pray that the Lord would heal me. We had a most earnest season of prayer, and we were all much blessed. I was relieved, but not restored. I have now done all that I can to follow the Bible directions, and I shall wait for the Lord to work, believing that in His own good time He will heal me. My faith takes hold of the promise, “Ask, and ye shall receive” (John 16:24). (2SM 235.1) MC VC
I believe that the Lord heard our prayers. I hoped that my captivity might be turned immediately, and to my finite judgment it seemed that thus God would be glorified. I was much blessed during our season of prayer, and I shall hold fast to the assurance then given me: “I am your Redeemer; I will heal you.”—Manuscript 19, 1892. (2SM 235.2) MC VC
“I Shall Not Lose Self-control” VC
June 23, 1892—Another night has passed. I slept only three hours. I was not in so much pain as usual, but was restless and nervous. After lying awake for some time, trying to sleep, I gave up the effort, and directed my whole attention to seeking the Lord. How precious to me was the promise, “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7). I prayed most earnestly to the Lord for comfort and peace, which the Lord Jesus alone can give. I want the blessing of the Lord, so that, while suffering pain, I shall not lose self-control. I dare not trust in self for one moment. (2SM 235.3) MC VC
The instant that Peter withdrew his eyes from Christ, that instant he began to sink. When he realized his peril, and lifted his eyes and voice to Jesus, crying, “Save, Lord, or I perish”(Matthew 8:25), the hand ever ready to save the perishing took hold of him, and he was saved.... (2SM 235.4) MC VC
In my home I must daily seek peace and pursue it.... And although the body is suffering, and the nervous system enfeebled, we must not think that we are at liberty to speak fretfully or to think that we are not receiving all the attention we should have. When we give way to impatience, we drive the Spirit of God out of the heart, and give place to the attributes of Satan. (2SM 235.5) MC VC
Therefore, pray, believe, and work.—Letter 66, 1901. (2SM 347.1) MC VC
A Case of Healing VC
A case was held up before me of_____, a minister; eighty miles he was sent for, to pray for a sick sister who sent for him in compliance with the teaching of James. He went and prayed in earnest, and she prayed; she believed the minister to be a man of God, a man of faith. Physicians had given her up to die of consumption. She was healed immediately. She arose and prepared supper, a thing she had not done for ten years. Now the minister was vile, his life was corrupt, and yet here was a great work. He took the glory all to himself. (2SM 347.2) MC VC
Then again the scene mentioned above passed before me. I saw that the woman was a true disciple of Christ; her faith was that she should be healed. I saw their prayers: One was misty, dark, fell downward; the other prayer was mixed with light or specks which looked to me like diamonds, and arose upward to Jesus and He sent it up to His Father like sweet incense, and a beam of light was immediately sent to the afflicted one and she revived and strengthened under its influence. Said the angel, God will gather every particle of true, sincere faith; like diamonds shall they be gathered up and will surely bring a return or answer; and God will separate the precious from the vile. Although He bears long with the hypocrite and sinner, yet he will be searched out. Though he may flourish with the honest a while like the green bay tree, yet the time will come when his folly will be made manifest, and he be brought to confusion.—Letter 2, 1851. (2SM 347.3) MC VC
When Restoration Would Not Be Best VC
We know of instances where the Lord has laid a case of diseased humanity upon the heart of His people and put within them a longing of soul, and they have prayed most earnestly for recovery and have supposed they had a right to claim the promise, and yet the sick died. The Lord, who sees the end from the beginning, understood that should He work by His power to heal, the divine will would be misunderstood. (2SM 347.4) MC VC